Just needing to vent a little!

Laura in Texas
on 5/1/15 9:42 pm

Awe. So sorry. I also had similar experiences when I was obese (my starting numbers were similar to yours).

Some people are just miserable human beings with miserable lives. I believe this asshole will be hit by the karma bus, if he has not already been hit.


Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 5/2/15 2:50 am - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14 with

So sorry that guy was being such a crude & rude jerk to you. You can't control what people say you can control your response to it. Don't let this guy ruin your day.

I remember a long time ago when I was much heavier bike riding down the path enjoying the view of the water,cars riding alongside the hwy when some ass---- yelled out the passenger side where's the seat! He was a scrub (TLC****pt riding, but it did bug me, especially when he didn't have the balls to confront me but instead yelled out the window like a little b*tch while his boy drove away.

Don't let dumb asses ruin your day. Congrats on getting the surgery & Good luck on your upcoming surgery. 

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel


on 5/2/15 3:42 am
VSG on 09/02/15


 I just wanted to thank all of you for your replies and words of encouragement and support! Thankfully today, I'm doing just fine and wondering how I let it get to me so bad yesterday. I have to admit the *if Ace Hardware had missles comment is hilarious!! I do believe in karma, and know I wouldn't value that type of persons opinion anyway. If more people have experiences they would like to share, please do!

 I've been lurking on these forums for a few years. Decided to make an active account when I started my surgery process. It's 120 day program here in North Dakota. I feel blessed for that. I know many people have a much longer wait.

I am very thankful for these forums. I have learned so much from them and I'm sure a lot more as my journey continues.

on 5/2/15 6:13 am

I'm so sorry you had that experience...but it sounds like you're trying not to take it personally. Some people can be just plain rude, stupid, and insensitive. I've learned through my life that we all have our own challenges, and its not my place to judge anyone...especially about their outward appearance.

I remember once I was on a flight (in the middle seat) and a man came to sit in his aisle seat right next to me....when we were getting settled I tried to lift the armrest between us and he quickly put it back down and said something like, "I don't want YOU touching me"  as if I was some disgusting animal.

And even from friends who don't mean to be hurtful but definitely are....I had a friend who I was staying over at her house and she invited me to go to her friend's wedding that night, I said I didn't have any clothes with me appropriate for going to a wedding. To which she said, "Oh I have clothes you could wear from when I was pregnant and weighed like 500 pounds". seriously? I wish I had had the confidence to stand up for myself then and make her feel like an ass for saying that to me.

HW: 291 --- SW (3/10/15): 264 --- CW (12/31/15) 153


on 5/2/15 8:10 pm - Sunny Southern, CA

I'm sorry those wastes of oxygen crossed your path. I had similar experiences... it hurt.

I know turn the other cheek & all that  but I kind of hope that when karma smacks mean people back that it's with a chair upside the head ;) 

You have a great attitude and I wish you the best with your WLS!

~Michelle "Shelly"


Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

White Dove
on 5/2/15 10:14 pm - Warren, OH

My husband had gained weight and it was always in the stomach.  This guy pointed a finger at his stomach and said something like "What a big belly".

My husband pointed back at him and said, "What big ears you have".

The guy did have big ears and was devastated.  Joe told me that every person has something about their body that they are not happy with.  When they attack you, just try to do a quick appraisal and make fun of them.  

"What a big nose, are you related to Pinocchio?"

"Those Dumbo ears are big enough for flying"

"What ugly shoes"

"Your mother dresses you funny"

"Fuck you, you stinking ugly dog"

You do this with very loudly, thrusting out a pointed finger, intense stare, and snarly laugh.  Then turn and walk away while they are still in shock.

Bullies attack people that they see as weak.  They will learn a big lesson when you attack back.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 5/3/15 11:22 pm

So true! When I was a kid, a little boy in my class who had problems with his eyes kept calling me fat. My moms friend told me to call him cross eyed and so I did. He never called me fat again. 

Life is what happens to you while you?re busy making other plans. ?John Lennon

Y D.
on 5/4/15 5:04 am
VSG on 01/19/15 with

What a terrible experience, so sorry that happened to you.

I also am one of the very few "big girls" in a family of petites so I know how you feel.

Once when I lived in Hawaii, my little sister came to visit me. I'm 5'1.5" and was about 118lbs at the time. She is 5'5" and was about 100lbs. I don't remember the whole situation, but basically a random guy compared us and said I was fat. FAT- at 118 lbs. Its things like that, that I believe contributed to my BDD. I was convinced I was obese at that weight- so when the pounds actually did creep on, I didn't notice until it was out of control. To me, that's how I always looked.

No matter what size we are, we'll be too big or too small for some random douchebag on the street.

You're not alone and you're on your way to an amazing adventure and life change :)

on 5/5/15 1:37 am

Unfortunately, it is impossible to control the jerks in this world. He will always be stupid, while you are on a quest to look and feel better.

You will succeed as we did. 

Good luck on your journey. 

on 5/6/15 6:23 pm

Unfortunately I think most morbidly obese people have stories to tell.  It hurt then and it hurts now to think about it.

I was never really one with the quick reply but I wish I could have once responded with "I can always lose weight but you can never fix stupid".  

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

Most Active