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on 10/29/18 4:26 am
Topic: RE: I have a problem...

You must opt for the best option. Choose nearby hospital that is reputable enough to be trusted for the surgery. That way, you don't have to travel far to get things done.

on 9/2/18 3:28 pm
Topic: RE: b12

It depends on what your lab values are. Low chronic b12 is called pernicious anemia. Pernicious meaning deadly. Some people, a small percentage have this. Long story short, there are 2 transporters of b12. One in the stomach and one in the gut. Either on can be nonexistent or short supply. Which means you just pee out most of your b12. It never makes it to the narrow where its responsibility is to you neuro system. So that's yes you get it.

on 8/8/18 6:47 am
Topic: RE: Hungry after about 1 1/2 hrs

Thank you for the info I will try these great ideas. Unfortunately I have had a lot of difficulty with different foods since my surgery. I do not drink with my meals but I do eat carbs. I will try eating more protein and stay away from the carbs.

on 6/22/18 1:54 pm
WLS on 12/21/15
Topic: RE: Hungry after about 1 1/2 hrs

Great ideas from the last poster. I also feel hungrier on certain days for no apparent reason.

On those days get out and exercise, clean the house or jump in the shower, get all cleaned up. Pamper yourself a little and go shopping in your closet. Try everything on and congratulate yourself on how awesome you look and how healthy you are.Then dress up in something you found in there so that when your family comes home they will follow you around (like my teenagers do) asking where you have been or where you are going? It is very fun and you won't even feel hungry the whole time.

Then it will be time to start sipping on your liquids again.

on 6/17/18 3:30 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
Topic: RE: Hungry after about 1 1/2 hrs
On June 13, 2018 at 6:58 PM Pacific Time, Mgb1976rw wrote:

Does anyone know of a way to stop from being hungry about 1.5 hrs after eating? I don't eat very much at one sitting but I am hungry very soon after and it doesn't seem to matter what it is that I have eaten. Please let me know if you have any solutions. My surgery was about 8 years ago and I was at my goal but have put on a few pounds and I think this is why.

Thank you

if you are eating carbs or drinking with meals this could be why you are hungry.

Carbs include sweet potato, fruits, wraps, pasta, potatoes, many protein bars, oatmeal, and any sweets.

Iif you try eating meat, chicken fish and eggs only for a few days, you might see a decrease in your hunger.

Mad time goes on sleeves/ pouches mature and can hold more. It is ok to eat protein forward every two hours but I bet you won't have to if you are eating protein forwRd all the time.

are you getting 64+ oz of sf liquid a day? Dehydration can mimic hunger.




on 6/13/18 11:58 am
Topic: Hungry after about 1 1/2 hrs

Does anyone know of a way to stop from being hungry about 1.5 hrs after eating? I don't eat very much at one sitting but I am hungry very soon after and it doesn't seem to matter what it is that I have eaten. Please let me know if you have any solutions. My surgery was about 8 years ago and I was at my goal but have put on a few pounds and I think this is why.

Thank you

on 5/26/18 7:37 pm
WLS on 12/21/15
Topic: RE: HELP Sleeve 2.5 years ago, depressed, gaining weight, terrified. Warning VERY long

WHOA! That is one tough year!

I am sorry about the job. Is there any way you can ask for your old job back? If you left on good terms maybe it would be a possibility. Never hurts to ask and find out.

The majority of the out of control eating is head hunger. We all experience it. Everything in your life seems out of your control right now and in the past a majority of us used food to suppress our feelings. Try making yourself a regimented daily list. Examples :

8:00-8:30 am Breakfast

9:00 - 10:00 walk

10-12 job applications

12-1 clean house

1-2 food prep for the week

2-3 clean and re organize a closet or another decluttering project

3-4 play ball outdoors with the kids

Have something every hour or 2 on the list. Also include exactly what you are going to eat and at what time. Just stick as closely as you can to that list. It is like putting one foot in front of the other. This should and will help you get back into a routine. Pre-planning and measuring your foods in advance will be a key factor.

If you are out of work can you collect unemployment? You mentioned that you are a single Mom with no income so you should be able to get help in your state with insurance with the preexisting conditions with the anemia.

These are just suggestions and hope that they help

on 4/26/18 1:43 pm
Topic: RE: I'm officially one of those people I SWORE I'd never be...

I am so sorry to hear about this. Although I had the sleeve I am in the same boat as you. In fact I held off for years on WLS because I was so afraid of becoming one of "those" people.

Like someone said below I too am shocked to find myself less than three years out feeling like I never had the surgery in the first place. I was and am well aware that you have to make good choices and all of that. The reason I had surgery in the first place was because I was always hungry and never felt satisfied, I was ruled by food. For a good two years after surgery that was gone and I felt like I imagine a normal person feels and it was wonderful. I could not for the life of me understand how someone could "let" themselves ever get back to where they used to be.

I cannot pinpoint when things started to change. I never knowingly decided to push the limits. I never decided to try to binge and see if I could. Little by little I just found myself hungrier and hungrier. The half a greek yogurt that used to make me stuffed no longer did the trick anymore. Then as I started to get hungry again I started to feel like something was wrong with me, like I was literally a big fat failure. Then rather quickly food became front and center again in my life. The prior two years food was just food, again like I imagine a normal person relates. But now once again I spend my life thinking about how I cannot eat and how I want to eat. I'm constantly thinking about how fat and disgusting I am and how I am a completely failure.

I mean after all how does one get their freaking stomach cut out for god's sake and yet still manage to overreat? I am so deeply ashamed and disgusted and ffing angry. I would not change the fact that I had the surgery but I do not feel like I was made to truly understand that someday I would be back to the messed up way I originally was.

I have no answers and I probably just made things seem more depressing. At this point in my life I truly believe there is something wrong with me that can be switched on and off because I have felt the difference. When I was pregnant I was never overly hungry. I would eat till I was satisfied and be done. I swear as soon as I had my children I went back to feeling like I felt before, as if a switch was flipped. The other two times I didn't feel ruled by food where years ago when I was on phen-fen and then the two years after my WLS. So I don't believe it is all "head hunger" and willpower. Yes I take responsibility for my actions but I truly believe there is something going on physically that needs to be taken care of. I am so sad because I thought I had finally taken care of that for good.

Best of luck to everyone. Wish I had something that would help.

on 4/26/18 1:31 pm
Topic: HELP Sleeve 2.5 years ago, depressed, gaining weight, terrified. Warning VERY long

So I had my sleeve done September of 2015 and things went awesome. I was separated from my husband at the time and while I was losing weight the divorce was final. I became a single mom of our three kids and felt better than I had in my entire adult life. I lost over 100 pounds and truly felt like I had good things ahead of me.

Within the last year I left my long time job for something that was supposed to be better. In that year I have had around five jobs. Yes five jobs. I'm far worse off financially than I have ever been and stressed beyond belief. Also in that year I met and dated a man who dumped me and devastated me. We rekindled that relationship last summer and have been together ever since so that has been a roller coaster.

I've dealt with depression and anxiety all of my life and been to therapy and taken medication for over 20 years. I don't know what has happened but in the last few months I haven't been myself. I am beyond depressed, anxious and exhausted.

On top of all of that I am gaining weight. I noticed I had gained a bit a few months ago. My long term job that I left had me walking at least ten miles a shift and I was working out on top of that and eating well. I went from that to a job with little to no exercise and stopped working out. Then I started getting hungry again and eating things I would never have eaten just a year before. I had completely cut out bread and very, very rarely ate sweets. Once in awhile if I was in a social situation with people who didn't know about my surgery I would eat a couple of bites of bread and it really hurt my stomach so I stayed away from it.

I could eat a greek yogurt and be stuffed. I could eat a hard boiled egg and be stuffed. I didn't feel that old hunger that I felt pre surgery. Well now it's back again. I don't understand what changed. I am pissed off and scared because I feel exactly like I did three years ago. Like a weak fat pig who is once again completely overruled by food. Even just a year ago it was so easy to say no to bread or to eat just a tiny bit of whatever I was eating. Now I am back to feeling like I can and need to eat and eat. What happened and what is wrong with me??

I purposely have not weighed myself because if I see the number I will freak out more than I already have. When I first realized I had gained probably 8-10 pounds it freaked me out and caused me to think about nothing else and I ate even more. Then I got even more depressed as the weight crept up and my financial situation and job situation got even worse. It has all been snowballing and here I am.

I just tried on my wardrobe from the wonderful new job I took last April when I left my old job. The job that was supposed to change everything for the better. I had never felt better mentally or physically. That job turned out to be a terrible mistake and the clothes won't even fit on my disgusting fat body anymore. I am so depressed and feel so afraid and out of control.

What do I do? Please, I beg of you do not be har****ruly cannot take it. I am broken and down more than I have ever been. I am seeing my therapist when I can and go to my doctor monday to try a different medication. Every day I tell myself I will eat right and exercise but every day I am exhausted and don't work out and eat crap. I am waaay worse off financially so I need to find cheap and easy low carb protein dense foods to eat.

I cannot and will not let this get any more out of hand. I worked so hard to get to wear I was but I feel like it is out of my hands again. There have been only three times in my life that I didn't feel ruled by food and that was when I was on phen-fen , when I was pregnant, and for about two years after my surgery. It was like whatever it was physically and mentally that made me need to binge and overeat and obsess over food was gone all of those times. People say it's just head hunger and I know that is part of it. However I can tell you that the physical hunger was gone those times in my life too, I just simply was not ruled by food. Now I feel like I am again.

So how do I go back and win this fight with nothing but willpower? Willpower is what failed me and got me to 300 or so pounds. I feel like I went through surgery only to be back in the same boat I was in and that was my biggest fear. Am I such a pig that even surgery cannot cure my hunger?

If anyone hung in here and made it to the end of this rant, I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am going to drag myself to go for a walk even though I am tired and want to sleep. I also forgot to mention that I am severely anemic and haven't had the insurance to be able to get the IV iron infusions I need so that is so not helping with my tiredness. I know working out will help but I'm so depressed and tired I can't get myself to do it. The anemia and depression has me feeling like I'm made of lead. I just want to be like I was this time last year full of bouncy energy and so hopeful.

Wendy Kipp
on 2/26/18 10:53 am - MI
Topic: RE: Help! I think I?m in big trouble!

Do you have medicaid or other medical insurance? Some insurances will cover your protein shakes for nutrition if prescribed for you by a doctor for medical necessity. You need to go to your doctor and talk to them, maybe see a gastroenterologist about your stomach issues. If they find you are losing weight due to a medical issue, then you may be able to get your shakes prescribed.

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