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on 12/13/05 7:34 am - Cohoes, NY
Topic: Spousal weight loss?
Have any spouses of WLS patients had any weight loss of their own? My wife "goes under the knife" next Monday and I'm thinking that with the drastically different way she'll have to eat afterwards, I'll probably lose a few extra pounds too! We simply won't have many of the "bad" foods around the house any more. Nice side benefit of her surgery...
Brie H.
on 11/12/05 9:54 am - Los Angeles, CA
Topic: RE: Is there any hope?
Georg, I am soooooo sorry! What exactly did you do? Not sure I understand how you ran her out of the house?????
Brie H.
on 11/12/05 9:47 am - Los Angeles, CA
Topic: RE: have you found your spouse cheating now they are thin
I thought I was the only one that this happened WIFE lost 200 poiunds and dumped me for another WOMAN!!!! For years I stood by her while her weight esclated to 400 lbs...the sleepless nights with her snoring and apnea...her never wanting to leave the house because it TIRED HER OUT but if it was for Sonics, she would split in a minute...a bananna split, and she was UP...she looks beautiful now but she wants something else....I just couldn't give her what she needed...Hang in there!!!! This is his loss, not yours!
April Loves David
on 11/11/05 7:23 am - South Fulton, TN
Topic: RE: I Admit It...I'm A Spy
Hello- So far I don't believe it makes good marriages better and bad marriages worse or none existent. WHY!?!?! You ask. Because my marriage has never been good. Its always some good some bad. Kinda 1/2 1/2. But now its so good! I will be 6 months out on the 13th and we got new wedding rings for a new beginning for our marriage. We have lil very lil disagreements now. When they use to be fights, big fights. My marriage has only gotten better and it only keeps getting better. So if your in love then you will be together. I believe it. Otherwise w/that saying I'd be single. LOL! Good luck! ~April~ Lap Rny May 13, 2005 21 yrs old, 5'1 231 / 156 / 120/110?
on 11/11/05 5:34 am - Northern Lower, MI
Topic: I Admit It...I'm A Spy
Hello All: My name is Maria and I am scheduled for surgery within the next week and a half. I have been happily married to the love of my life for the last four years. We both respect, admire, love, and trust one another explicitly (sp). My husband, although supportive of this surgery (and pretty much anything else I decide to do), wouldn't change a single hair on my head if it was up to him. But, we both think this surgery is a good idea for health reasons. With that said...I was a little surprised to see such sadness and sometimes despair on this board. I was wondering if there are any couples out there whose relationships have been strenghthened or enhanced because of WLS? My nutritionist, of all people, told me that WLS makes the good marriages better and the bad ones go away. Any thoughts? I'd kinda like to hold onto my man...I love him with all my heart.
LaPamela A.
on 11/10/05 5:58 am - beverly Hills, CA
Topic: RE: have you found your spouse cheating now they are thin
The Lord will heal your heart. I know that this is a painful thing to have gone through. I will keep you in my prayer. Who he is now may just be who he has always been inside. Now he has just been given the opportunity to take advantage of it. A Send A Smile For U! pammy
LaPamela A.
on 11/9/05 5:49 pm - beverly Hills, CA
Topic: Hey all please stop by and vote for my hubby:)
It has not been easy, however after escaping an abusive marriage 9 years ago, my children and I were blessed with one of the best gifts God has given us. My husband, James T. Bond. He has come into our lives and turned it around. We were wounded birds that he helped to nourish back to health. He has given his life to making our lives better and in that has struggled to keep a roof over our heads. In the last few months he entered the body for life competition in hopes of providing better for our family and reaching people through our Christian film ministry. He has made it as one of the final 15. Now we're standing in prayer for him to win. I have never met a more giving person and I'm not sure that I ever will. We need all of your prayers as well as your votes. Please stop by and vote for my hubby his name is James Bond. 2 days left to vote, and you can vote once per day however you can Pray as often as you can. He has motivated me and our children to get on track with fitness. This was no easy Pray for me as I do the same for all of you pammy
on 10/13/05 3:55 am - Jacksboro, TN
Topic: RE: Question for all of you spouses
What's the "obvious" in your opinion?
on 9/30/05 7:28 am - Jacksboro, TN
Topic: RE: have you found your spouse cheating now they are thin
I am very sorry this has happened to you. You alluded to watching out for signs. What do you mean?
jane B.
on 9/30/05 2:23 am - Redmond, WA
Topic: have you found your spouse cheating now they are thin
After sticking it out with my husband through all the years of him being overweight and all the health issues and trouble with his surgery we are now getting a divorce due to him having an affair now that his has lost weight. He is so self consumed now and only thinks about himself and how he looks. If I had known this would be the outcome of his surgery I would have left him. He has devestated my life and our marriage. If your spouse is showing any signs please make sure you are checking on things.
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