inspector-girl 18 years, 8 months ago

Good MORNING - and a Happy ONE YEAR Re-birthday to you!!! I found this quote and just love it! When running up a hill, it’s alright to give up as many times as you wish – as long as your feet keep moving. By - Shoma Morita M.D. I can only imagine that your experience has been wonderful. Full of changes and new experiences. Congratulations to YOU!!! If you have an opportunity and/or haven’t already, please stop by and update your profile! We’d all love to know how well you’ve progressed!!! If you have a few moments, please take the time to send well wishes to your fellow “re-birthday” buddies!!! It’s a great boost to them as well as yourself. Have a FANTASTIC DAY! RNY 10/31/03 257/133 at GOAL!!!

Tealrose 19 years, 8 months ago

Hi Karen, Blessings on your surgery tomorrow. My prayers are with you and your surgical team. Remember, He says "when two or more come together in my name..." With all the prayers you have from this board, you can't miss. I pray you will have an uneventful surgerya nd a smooth recovery!. I am a week behind you. Save me a place on the loser's bench. Christ's peace and love, Connie 10/11/04

Kelly L. 19 years, 8 months ago

I am so excited for you! Congratulations on your surgery and keep us posted on how you are doing!! Love, Kelly

Bob I. 19 years, 8 months ago

A week ago I was where you will be. only had 2 simi rough days and once home I am on top. You shall do well and the next week will be a blur before you know it! Prayers and thoughts for you

Joiee 19 years, 8 months ago

Karen, Good Luck with your surgery and recovery. You're going to do great!! You and your surgeon are in my prayers. --Joiee

Cyndi M. 19 years, 8 months ago

~~~CONGRATULATIONS~~~~ on your upcomming surgery, may the guardian angels watch over you during your surgery and recovery. Looking forward to seeing you on the loosing side. Huggssssssssss and prayerssssssssss *Cyndi McCuan*

Black Beauti 19 years, 8 months ago

I wish you a journey that is safe, and uneventful. I commend you on having the courage to take your own health and happiness into your own hands. Be Blessed!! Stay Strong in teh struggle, and remember you never walk alone *smile* You'll be in my prayers!! *smoochies* ~T~ NEVER SURRENDER

The Merchant Girl 19 years, 8 months ago

Karen, I am praying for you and the surgical team as you undergo this life-changing event. May God Bless you!

Nannu N. 19 years, 8 months ago

Karen I'll be praying for a swift and problem free journey for you. Hang on and enjoy the ride. May GOD Bless You. Debra

KrisInAL 19 years, 8 months ago

Your date is so close!!! I will keep you in my prayers. Good luck on your surgery & the journey that follows. God Bless.
About Me
helena, AL
Surgery Date
Apr 14, 2004
Member Since
