Ginny K 21 years, 5 months ago

Crystal, Happy anniversary. I hope this email finds you well and enjoying life.

Cinna G. 21 years, 5 months ago

Happy ONE Year Anniversary to You. I hope you healthier and happier than ever. Please drop in from time to time to share your wls experiences. You never know who you might inspire. Have a great day.

CHaTTy C. 22 years, 5 months ago

Hey everyone ~ Tiz me ... Terrrrry ... Crystal's Angel ... with an update to get all of you up to speed on what'z been goin' on with her since my last report. Sorry you are receiving this report REALLY LATE but I got EXTREMELY SICK the day after I visited her in the hospital. So I haven't been able to report on her like I wanted to and I feel really bad about that! :o( Well, Crystal checked out of the hospital last Friday morning as expected but unfortunately she landed back in the hospital that Friday night becuz of severe vomiting. The doc said it was becuz of dehydration but she said that she was drinking a lot of fluids that day at home. She had to stay in the hospital until Sunday afternoon for them to keep an eye on her. I just got off the phone with her after a REALLY NIIICE looooong chat and she says she is feeling GOOD now! YEAAAAAAA! THANK GOD! *relieved* Believe it or not, she says she is even able to get her 60~70 ounces of water in ALREADY! Can you believe that? YOU GOOOOO GURL ... GOOD FOR YOU!!! :o) I asked her what she had been doing and she admitted to me that she has even been feeling good enough to do some stuff around the house. Too much if ya ask me! *giving her the evil eye* *chuckle* But again, she admitted that her stubborness was to blame for it. I tried to get on her case a little in a nice way and told her to basically stop doing TOO MUCH TOO SOON or else this tardy Angel is gunna kick her boootay! :oP *chuckle* She promised me that she would take it easy so that I won't have to worry about her goin' back to the hospital YET AGAIN for things like a hernia, etc. So, I can see that this Angel has her work cut out for her from here on out! *chuckle* *J/K* But seriously, I'm sooooooo happy that she is doing sooooooo much better as I'm sure all of you are too!!! :o) *breathing easier now* She says she will be getting online to update everyone really soon! Thanx to all of you who have continued to support her. From the things she has said, I know that she greatly appreciates it! :o) ~*Terry Neff*~

RODEO CLOWNS S. 22 years, 5 months ago

Congratulations from a friend from La Mesa, CA and a patient of Pacific Bariatric too. I am so glad to hear that you are doing so well after surgery. I wrote you before and so did my husband. We both are doing fantastic after our surgeries. I have lost 85 lbs since 6/28/01 and hubby has lost 105 lbs since his surgery on 10/9/01!!!! He is amazing. I just know you are going to be very successful too. Good luck in the future to you and do as Dr. Zorn tells you. Eat mostly protein and get in that exercise. It is soooooo important. I think the most important of all. The pro-complex drinks are yucky, but please drink them. You will lose faster and build up muscle better. We both like the chocolate best. We make it this way: crush ice in the blender, add water (or later on, non-fat milk) add 2 scoops of the powder and blend for about 1 min. Drink SLOWLY or it will hurt!! Let all the bubbles go away before drinking, they cause gas. We are going to attend a Saturday support group at Scripps/Mercy Hospital. They meet the 4th Sat of each month at 10:00 am. There's also 2 other support groups that meet on weeknights, but I work very early shifts and cannot attend them. If you are interested in a support group call Pacific Bariatrics and they will give you details. Our very best to you. Please update your progress, we all like to read about success, and I know you will be successful!!!!

vmize 22 years, 5 months ago

Crystal-Congrats on a sucessful surgery and I hope that your recovery is speedy and uneventful. HAPPY LOSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

leopardjoy 22 years, 5 months ago

Crystal! You did it, and with flying colors. Your angel was kind enough to post about your progress. Here's to your recovery going perfectly well, and please post when you're able. Hugs, Joy

CHaTTy C. 22 years, 5 months ago

Hey all ~ I visited Crystal in the hospital yesterday. She had color in her cheeks and is looking good. She was having a hard time coughing which is to be expected. But she now has this cute little stuffed dog on her belly to help her and keep her company. She misses her REAL furry critterz tho! :o) Other than that she has been playing with the tongue depressors. *LOL* She also admitted that she has been a little stubborn when it comes to letting people help her. I told her to rest, take it easy, and don't be afraid to ask for people to help her at this time when she needs it the most. So, MILK IT GURLFREN!!! *LOL* She should be out of the hospital either today or tomorrow. She said she would rather check out tomorrow so that she could rest for an extra day. Anywayz, I'm sooo happy that she is doin' good as I'm sure you all are too. She said that she is looking forward to reading her page when she gets home. Thanks to all of you for your encouraging words to her! ~*Crystal's Angel ... Terry Neff*~

Deanna T. 22 years, 5 months ago

(((CRYSTAL)))YOU DID IT...I am so EXCITED for you PRECIOUS...just think of all the AWESOME things you have to look forward to in 2002...YOU DESERVE THIS...Lots of Love, Deanna

CHaTTy C. 22 years, 5 months ago

*Flying in fashionably late* :o) Hey everyone ~ It's CRYSTAL ROWE'S Angel here ... Terry ... just wanted to let ya all know how she is doin'. Sorry this update is sooooo late but I just got home from being out of town for New Year's. Anywayz, I talked to Crystal's nurse yesterday afternoon and a little earlier this evening and she said that Crystal is doin' great! She complained of a little nausea yesterday after her surgery and later on that night. Other than that her surgery went well with no complications or worries. Today she is feeling better. I will be visiting her in the hospital tomorrow there in San Diego. I can't wait to see her! :o) I will update you all on her progress when I return home. Thank you to all of those who have posted your well wishes to her page! :o) CONGRATULATIONS CRYSTAL AND WELCOME TO THE OTHER SIDE!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU GIRLFRIEND AND EVERYONE ELSE!!! *Big surgery sister hugs* :o) ~*Terry Neff*~

Lesley B. 22 years, 5 months ago

Crystal, just wanted you to know that I am thinking of you right now, as you are about to go in for your surgery, and praying that everything goes really well for you. You have been on my mind all morning. Good luck girlfriend.
About Me
El Cajon, CA
Surgery Date
Jan 05, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
I never realized just how large I was until I saw these!
Now I like my picture taken!!
