slybreyer 17 years, 2 months ago

Newest Update. Deb has lost over 45 pounds so far, now about 6 weeks out. She has done wonderfully, following All the rules, and didn't even taste real food till her dietitian approved it. She walks regularly and is working up to more activity in the future. She has felt weak at times but we believe that is normal at right now. This weekend she had trouble getting pills down for the first time, possible stricture and had foamies. Worried, but she will see her surgeon for the 6 wk check up in two days so she will probably work through it as people suggest on forums. Thank goodness we have everyone and their experiences to ease our minds and advise possible solutions. She'll be fine, Just Fine. Ahhhh. So glad we are Here in the process, AFTER surgery. The roller coaster before approval and then the wait till surgery take quite a toll. Thanks everyone for your support. Good Luck all. Way to Go, SIS!

slybreyer 17 years, 2 months ago

Newest Update. Deb has lost over 45 pounds so far, now about 6 weeks out. She has done wonderfully, following All the rules, and didn't even taste real food till her dietitian approved it. She walks regularly and is working up to more activity in the future. She has felt weak at times but we believe that is normal at right now. This weekend she had trouble getting pills down for the first time, possible stricture and had foamies. Worried, but she will see her surgeon for the 6 wk check up in two days so she will probably work through it as people suggest on forums. Thank goodness we have everyone and their experiences to ease our minds and advise possible solutions. She'll be fine, Just Fine. Ahhhh. So glad we are Here in the process, AFTER surgery. The roller coaster before approval and then the wait till surgery take quite a toll. Thanks everyone for your support. Good Luck all. Way to Go, SIS!

slybreyer 17 years, 3 months ago

So happy to report that my sister is doing GREAT. She won't blow her own horn much but she is handling the ups and downs just wonderfully. Her attitude is so Good, and I'm so proud of her. Deb is healing exceptionally well and quickly. She actually forgets she had the surery on Valentines Day, wow, and she has to remind herself that she is actually on the other side and not still wishing, praying, and Waiting, that surgery will be soon. She has had some head hunger already, but no real doubts, but I know she will be looking forward to real food in small qualtities as she is allowed to have it. We'll do all we can to find alternate activities and good habits to cultivate in the future; I can hardly wait. She has lost 23 pounds already, including pre-op loss, so she is doing SO well. Nebraska is still pretty cold but she is going out walking every day once or twice if it is possible. YAHOO!

slybreyer 17 years, 3 months ago

One day POST-OP,,,hehe. Talked to Deb this morning and after a normal groggy, uncomfortable day yesterday, she is Much improved today. She is on a morphine pump and only had to use it twice yesterday and feels it will be unnecessary very soon. She is sore and slow moving, but at this point she has walked four times and feels she is improving every hour. No food before the surgery, and especially no liquids after the throat tube, made her needing relief, but she worked through it and even her voice sounds strong and normal already. She was a darling, telling me that she was ALLOWED to have jello already, and how she LOVED the cherry Flavor, and what a nice thing it was to have, also some sips of lemon-flavored drink, crystal light, I think. She was looking forward to TASTING the orange jello, not for the filling food, but for the Taste, and that is a wonderful transition already. Our parents are very interested, and happy that this much recovery has come already. It is so frightening to have a loved family member go into surgery, especially with Deb's health concerns and dangers at this weight. But she made it through the surgery and is on the other side now and we are ready to embrace recovery, with necessary foods and the exercise that will help all of us regain our healthy status. You see, I am waiting for my sis to help ME. Lol, I needed for her to have this surgery for me, and if it helps her,,,wow,,I guess that's what angels are for, right? I love you, sis.

slybreyer 17 years, 3 months ago

One day POST-OP,,,hehe. Talked to Deb this morning and after a normal groggy, uncomfortable day yesterday, she is Much improved today. She is on a morphine pump and only had to use it twice yesterday and feels it will be unnecessary very soon. She is sore and slow moving, but at this point she has walked four times and feels she is improving every hour. No food before the surgery, and especially no liquids after the throat tube, made her needing relief, but she worked through it and even her voice sounds strong and normal already. She was a darling, telling me that she was ALLOWED to have jello already, and how she LOVED the cherry Flavor, and what a nice thing it was to have, also some sips of lemon-flavored drink, crystal light, I think. She was looking forward to TASTING the orange jello, not for the filling food, but for the Taste, and that is a wonderful transition already. Our parents are very interested, and happy that this much recovery has come already. It is so frightening to have a loved family member go into surgery, especially with Deb's health concerns and dangers at this weight. But she made it through the surgery and is on the other side now and we are ready to embrace recovery, with necessary foods and the exercise that will help all of us regain our healthy status. You see, I am waiting for my sis to help ME. Lol, I needed for her to have this surgery for me, and if it helps her,,,wow,,I guess that's what angels are for, right? I love you, sis.

slybreyer 17 years, 3 months ago

SURGERY is COMPLETE! Deb is in recovery, only took about two hours, the surgeon did an ultrasound on the gallbladder directly and found no gall stones so he left the gallbladder intact, not our favorite choice but we are glad he addressed it closely. She is still sleeping, but she has crossed over to her rebirthday. smile.

slybreyer 17 years, 3 months ago

I talked to Deb tonight. She and her husband made it to the motel, driving on the snowy roads. Her surgery will be at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Drinking the gallon of bowel prep was quite an ordeal. She was able to get down about 3/4 before needing to barf it up. After reading that many people only have to drink a glass, she opted to be happy with three quarts and not push it. She is hoping for a decent rest before embarking on a new life, starting with the surgery in the morning. Thanks to all for your words and prayers. She and we are very appreciative! Love to all, and good luck for health and happiness. Deb's sis, and angel, Sharon.

Kittycat8 17 years, 3 months ago

Wishing you all the best Deb - I will be thinking of you. Kim

Celest J. 17 years, 3 months ago

Sending you lots of love and good vibes. You are going to do great just remember one day at a time. Big hugs, Celest

Cira S. 17 years, 3 months ago

Congratulations on your upcoming surgery! Wishing you all the best an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery.
About Me
Hallam, NE
Surgery Date
May 14, 2006
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My New Journey to a Healthier Life
My New Journey to a Healthier Life
My New Journey to a Healthier Life
My New Journey to a Healthier Life
My New Journey to a Healthier Life
My New Journey to a Healthier Life
My New Journey to a Healthier Life
My New Journey to a Healthier Life
My New Journey to a Healthier Life
