Kellie K. 21 years, 7 months ago

Christina...don't give up girl! My surgery isn't until next Tuesday, but even if it takes me a year or two to get to my goal, I have resorted myself not to get discouraged along the way. Just think of it this way, if it comes off slower, that is more time for your skin to adjust. Keep plugging away and try to stay positive. You will do great!

Dawn E. 21 years, 7 months ago

Christina, I read your post and I have one thing to say.. (sorry if only part of this posted the first time....) GET OFF THE SCALE AND THROW IT OUT THE WINDOW!! I know from prior diets and experiences that after my surgery I will not be weighing myself. My dietician who is calling me every week after my surgery is demanding I do it once a week... i said NO I WILL NOT! My whole life I have been obsessed with the scale and after my surgery (nov. 25th) I will be the same way. I will be elated when I lose, depressed when I don't so I'm not going there this time! Go with how you feel... how your clothes fit.. how much energy you have... not what the scale says. Do you have more energy? If so.. this is working. Do your clothes fit better? Then it's working!!! Stop comparing yourself, quit worrying about the weight. You did this to feel better and have more energy so be happy with that. The weight will come off. Just have fun.. do what you are supposed to do.. and it will eventually come off. Sorry if that sounds harsh.. I want to be supportive so I'm hoping that you will do it.. just throw it out and weigh only when you have to. Try it for a week or two and just carry on with life. To give up now would be a mistake!! You are beautiful.. you have not made a mistake.. you are just different than some people and your time will come! Use that tool and have faith!

heathercross 21 years, 7 months ago

Christina, I read your post...I am sorry your having a hard time....Your profile didn't say much about your food, exercise and water intake> What are you eating, are you working out? I would love to give you some gidance, but, I need some more info. Heather (8/15 open RNY, down 60.5lbs, 3 mos)

qkarinb 21 years, 8 months ago

Christina, I hope you're doing well following your WLS. You're in my thoughts. "He who has health has hope; and he who has hope has everything." - Arabian Proverb

paulsgirl 21 years, 8 months ago

Good Luck Christina, Wishing you a speedy and peaceful recovery!!!!!!!!!!!!

LM O. 21 years, 8 months ago

Christina, It sounds as if you are overwhelmed with sad news. You deserve to have something positive in your life. You are not just thinking of yourself, you are thinking of those you love. WLS will hopefully help you be a stronger, healthier person. There is no selfishness in wanting that. God/Goddess bless you.

Monica E. 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi Christina, Thinking about you tonight. Get a good nights sleep. I pray for a successful surgery,and a beautiful recovery. Love, MONICA

Nancy T. 21 years, 8 months ago

Tina, Hey! I'll be praying for you and I will try to give you a call tonight- if you even see this post before I call you. I'll try to stop in over the weekend, and I'll call to see how you are doing. I know you'll do well and you'll be so happy with the end results! See you on the other side!!! Love, Nancy

Tami D. 21 years, 8 months ago

Christina, I think everything you have been through is even more of a reason to go ahead and have surgery. You need to take some "me" time. Hopefully things will turn around in your family soon and it will be better. But in the meantime, take some time for you. Have the surgery. You have worked hard for it, and deserve to feel better. Good luck, you and your family will be in my prayers. Tami

Kimberly S. 21 years, 8 months ago

Christina, You have been through quite alot lately. Just remember you have friend here and we will be praying for your recovery. Good Luck sweetie and god bless. Kim
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Marysville, OH
Surgery Date
Feb 17, 2002
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