Message Board

It seems I have inadvertently changed a setting that is causing my posts to the message boards to appear with a purple background with black text. Consequently it is difficult to read. I have special software that allows me to use my computer because I am visually impaired. So, I need your help. I went to my settings, but the only text color I can change (that I saw) is in the signature line. My special software does not show the palette colors for website (sometimes they do show). So if someone can tell me where to go to change my background color for my posts on the message boards, I will be very appreciative. Also, please let me know which row and which box, counting from the left, I need to check. I have not found where I need to go to correct the problem. I apologize for the illegibility of my posts. Nothing is more frustrating for me than to go to a site that uses dark background colors with dark text. I posted this here hoping the purple background would not be an issue. Thank you for your help.

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