adressing genetics

this is to sort of explain the reasons of genetics. When My husband has an affair dueto my weight I decided to do something. I could not lose weight at all. I even went on a bulimic episode. I would not eat anything until I got so hungry I would begin to shake then would have a salad or something and then throw up. My job at the time I walked 6=13 miles a day. In additon to that I walked my mile to work and mile home. I also walked in the evenings with my daughter about 2 miles she would ride her bike and I kept up with her. On my Day off Sunday I would walk to my grandfathers and back which was 8 miles one way. I only drank water and when I started with the hunger headaches diet 7 up seemed to work. I did this for about 2 months and lost a total of 15 pounds. As to where a normal person at my weight would have lost40-50 pounds if they did this. I knew traditonal exercise would not work diets did not work phen phen did not work, HCG shots did not work. I had been in the military and did for a short time keep my weight off only by running 8-10 miles a day and eating one meal a day breakfast and it was around 300 calories. But after awhile this did noteven work for me and was constantly being hounded by my superiors. My daughter was born I was 416 pounds and concieved I was 180. I was then told it was my thyroid. Not the answer. Only until two years ago did I see an endocronoligist and he explained in simple form what the genetic problem was. I always felt that since 95% of my family is obese or morbidly obese and on both of my parents side. He explained our body stays in starve mode which then our bodies stores everything and slows our metabolism to where very little energy can be produced. This is why we gain even on little calories. This then causes the seratonin in our brain to constantly tell us we are hungry. So we can eat and eat and eat and our body is still telling the brain there is still not enough nutrients needed. Thus telling us we are hungry. For some a seratonin based medication will work. for some others it will not work. I was on Paxil, Prozac, Phen Phen, Redux, Meridia, nothing worked. By having the surgery 1. my body tells me I am hungry I can eat but only small amounts. 2. I had the bypass surgery and now when I eat not all the food gets stored. Thus allowing me to live a normal life. The endocronoligst told me either I accepted the fact I would be fat or surgery is the only answer in my case. He also stated that studies show that 80% of morbidly obese people have the genetic problem. So don't ever cut your self short it is your fault. You are only doing what your body tells you to do. When your car is out of gas you fill it up to run same thing your body says you need fuel and you fill it up to make it run. Only thing our body has a clogged filter and we are not out of fuel only appears that way    — Cathy D. (posted on January 17, 2000)

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