Will birth control pills be effective after RNY?

I had a revision RNY in July with about 150 cm bypassed. I want to start taking birth control again but I am worried that it won't be absorbed correctly. Does anyone know if it is alright to take them?    — Michele :. (posted on September 28, 2001)

September 28, 2001
I'm still pre-op, but brought this up with my surgeon at my consultation. I am now taking the shot, Depo-Provera, and asked if I should continue with that o switch to pills afterwards. He told me it didn't matter, but given that the shot was slightly more effective, I may want to stick wih that. He said that the surgery shouldn't affect either one. Hope this helps...
   — [Anonymous]

September 28, 2001
My ob-gyn said I should not take the pill anymore because of malabsorbtion issues. I have been on the shot. They have two different kinds...depro provera and lunelle. Depo is every 3 mos., lunelle every month.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 28, 2001
Neither my Surgeon or my OB/GYN could answer this question for me 100%. So my OB/GYN and I decided to start the Lunelle Shot. It is a monthly shot and doesnt have the weight gain side effects that the Depro Porvers shot has. I started it before my surgery so I was lucky in that I didnt start my periond in the hospital. I have really liked the Lunelle shot. Also with the Lunelle you can get pregnant very quickly after stopping the shot. That was a concern for me because I want more kids as soon as I reach my goal. The depo provera can stay with you up to 6 months after quitting the shot. So for me the Lunelle was the best choice. Good Luck
   — Robin C.

September 29, 2001
I don't know about the pill, but Norplant works like a charm :))) *loves Norplant :)*
   — jammie B.

October 1, 2001
In the interest of full disclosure you may not want to consider depo provera if you've ever had problems with any birth control pills. I couldn't take Ortho Novum 777 because it caused excessive bleeding. I got the depo provera shot and have had my period for 3 months straight. Needless to say I won't be getting another one. It kinda ticks me off because I asked my dr for the Lunelle shot and she sold me on the depo because "you won't have any periods!" GRRRRR :#
   — ctyst

September 20, 2004
I recently had problems with birth control pills. I would start my period without notice, in the middle of my pills. My OB/GYN agreed with me that the pill may not be getting absorbed properly. So she put me on the patch. It is call Ortho Evra, you change it once a week. Very little side effects.
   — xflgirl

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