How is weight loss after 7 months?

I willbe 7 months out on October 3. I have lost 100 pounds. I guess I am scared that I will quit losing. I still have 60 or 70 more punds to go.    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 28, 2001)

September 28, 2001
I started with 149 pounds to lose. At 7 months post op I was down 100 pounds, just like you. Now, at almost 16 months post op, I'm down a total of 140. As far as the doc is concerned, I'm "at goal." I'd still like to lose that remaining 9 pounds, though. Of course, I haven't done anything about my extra skin yet, and I think that's easily 5 pounds or more. So, in answer to your worry... YOU CAN DO IT! Just keep working things. It will keep coming off if you keep working it.
   — BethVBG

September 28, 2001
Hi! I'm eight months out and almost at 100 lbs... I have 7 more lbs to go to get there! AGH! It seems like forever, especially when I've just started my period and another plateau... (don't we all know about that one? sigh...:)). I may be a bit slower than most, but overall I've been amazed at the weight loss and have about 40 or more lbs to go until I reach my 'ideal' weight of between 160-170 (I'm 5' 9 1/2"). Your weight loss sounds GREAT and CONGRATS! All the best, (laparoscopic BPD/Ds with gallbladder removal, January 25, 2001),
   — Teresa N.

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