Can any post-ops in their 20's starting around 300lbs help me out?

I'm 5'4" and just over 300lbs, 21 years old and I am just wondering if any of you dealt with excess skin a lot? I've heard that since we're younger our skin tends to be a lot more elastic, and it's not such a problem. Have any of you found this? I want to avoid plastic surgery if I can, and am hoping maybe my age will work with me for this! :) Can anyone share their experiences! Thanks!    — Deborah W. (posted on October 19, 2001)

October 19, 2001
Hi, I am 24 years old and I am 3 months post op. So far I have lost about 50 pounds but I still have a long way to go. I know for sure I am going to need plastic surgery, there is no way that my body is going to firm up all of the extra skin I have. It's just not possible, I am going to need lifts and tucks but I will cross that bridge when I get there. The important thing is that I am healthy and happy.
   — karen Z.

October 19, 2001
I think that how much you weigh and weight disbribution (i.e where you carry the weight) has more to to with excess skin than age. I say this because I am over three years post-rny and active in my support group. I've seen people of all ages, sizes and shapes before and after surgery and age doesn't seem to be a factor. Generally, those who lose less than 125lbs. don't require reconstructive surgery...unless.. they had very big bellies or were big breasted women. Those (like myself and my best friend) whose fat was evenly distributed and who lose up to the low hundreds don't have a problem. I've also observed that while exersizing has many benefits, it doesn't help the skin situation at all. I had my rny in my late forties and lost 120lbs. and have no excess skin at all. My upper arms are a little jiggly...but nothing rhat would require s surgery. However, some of the kids in their twenties who who have lost around 200lbs. definitely need reconstructive work if they are to lead normal lives. Just what I've observed over the years.......
   — [Anonymous]

October 19, 2001
I agree with the 'anonymous' person before me about age not having much to do with it. I am 45 years old, female, and I've lost my excess weight with no need for plastic surgery. I think it is because I carried the weight pretty much all over and I was more pear-shaped than apple-shaped. However, no one can GUESS how it will be for you, you'll just have to wait and see. Best wishes.
   — Cindy H.

October 19, 2001
I am 24 an pre-op, but I have set a goal to lose 10% of my starting weight which was 350 and I am now 318. Already I see some lose skin. I will definitely need a tummy tuck and arms I think, but who knows. My friend lost 50# and it took about a year for her to tighten up. I happened everywhere, but her tummy. I agree that it depends on how you carry your weight as well. Email me any time if you want to talk. I love hearing from others around my age about their experiences with surgery. Warmest wishes:-)
   — Sara A

October 19, 2001
I am 24 an pre-op, but I have set a goal to lose 10% of my starting weight which was 350 and I am now 318. Already I see some lose skin. I will definitely need a tummy tuck and arms I think, but who knows. My friend lost 50# and it took about a year for her to tighten up. I happened everywhere, but her tummy. I agree that it depends on how you carry your weight as well. Email me any time if you want to talk. I love hearing from others around my age about their experiences with surgery. Warmest wishes:-)
   — Sara A

October 19, 2001
Hi Deborah, I am 28 5'4, and started out at 341, I have lost close to 100 lbs and am not as of yet having a skin hanging problem. I am a little wigglier if that's a word LOL, than I was, but that is because I have lost the weight in quick amount of time. Exercise is the key to avoid or make less of the saggy skin. I have always been a very solid person, carried my weight from head to toe. I feel that maybe that has attributed to me not having a major problem. Best of luck to you!
   — Carey N.

October 19, 2001
I am 28 years old and started at 407. That sounds like a lot, but I am pretty tall (5'9"). I have lost about 150 lbs. now, and I'm starting to see some definite sag. Your age will help you a little, but you still may need plastic surgery.
   — Terissa R.

February 20, 2002
I had surgery almost 2 years ago. I am 5'6'' and weighted 315 lbs when I had the surgery. I've lost 150 lbs and I do have lose skin. Some you may want to keep in mind, if you want to have children. You may want to wait until after the kids to have that tummy tuck!
   — Jennifer R.

February 20, 2002
I started at 368 and I'm 5'7". I'm down about 30 lbs and I can tell I'm not as "firm" as I was, but I'm not far enough along to tell. I had my surgery almost a month ago. I'm 22, and when I'm done, if I look baggy I will be getting snipped wherever I need it. lol We're so young I don't see the point in being all baggy if we can help it. If I was over 50 and had kids already I guess I wouldn't care as much. When you're still in your "prowling years" it seems to me that if you can afford it by youself or with insurance and it would help your confidece, why not? That is true for any age really, but being younger that's from me. :)
   — Paula Prichard

February 7, 2005
I am 26 years old and had my surgery in March of last year. I am down about 115-120 pounds. I started at 340 pounds and am 5'6". Yep, the extra skin is rough. I have extra skin on my arms, inner thighs and breasts. I can deal with the extra skin on my arms, but my inner thighs and breasts need TLC in a major way. I have about 50 pounds left to lose and once I am done that, I think plastic surgery is on the menu. So, to answer your question, the skin does tighten up some with weight lifting, but it really depends on how much you need to lose. I would say if you plan to lose over 100 pounds, you may have an issue with skin. You also have to consider, eventhough we are young, the weight loss is extreme and rapid and quite naturally, your body may have a hard time adjusting to all of it. Good luck!
   — jdeneen

May 24, 2005
I'm 24 years old and started out at 328lbs. I am now yo-yoing from 164- 170lbs. The excess skin is something I ahve a lot of trouble dealing with, I was denied for all plastic surgery and I personally know people in their 50's who didn't have as bad a skin problem as I did. But then again, I've been overweight for 18 years, at least. Its rough though, brace yourself for the worst, and hope for the best. My biggest problem is that I never thought fat was ugly, I was gorgeous at my beginning weight, and now, I'm just pretty with clothes on.. I dunno.. I think I look disgusting..
   — poohniki

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