Should I get a flu shot?

My surgery is Decmeber 6, and I'm already having to wait forever, so I don't want to get sick and have it cancelled, so I'm wondering if I should get a flu shot? Would it interefere in any way? Also, I'm 21, so it's kind of hard to actually get one, considering old people and kids get preference, do you think that me having surgery would help me to get ahead in the line? Thanks, any advice would be very kind.    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 22, 2001)

October 22, 2001
Get the shot.
   — Cindy H.

October 22, 2001
   — Danmark

October 22, 2001
Yes, just in case you need it.
   — lynbaby B.

October 22, 2001
I was going to call and ask my surgeon the same thing. My surgery date is Dec 3rd. I know if I don't get the shot, I'll get the flu. I'm sick now though, so I'm not sure when I'll get it. But, I think if we do, it should be ASAP. Good luck to you! Meredith
   — Meredith P.

October 22, 2001
Get it. I did and am pre op 15Nov. Maybe if you explained that you will be having surgery - you might get priority- try your dr first. I watched the newspaper announcements and got mine 05 Oct - but I am Medicare.
   — charlene M.

October 22, 2001
Most definitely!!! You do NOT want the flu to keep you from having this surgery.
   — Betty Todd

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