I've quit smoking! 4 1/2 weeks until surgery. But, I really need one.

I really, really need one. Just one - I can do that. One cigarette tonight. I've had a horrible day fighting with a doctors office (not my surgeon). I can't take it. Will just one be bad? Will it be enough for my doctor to know? He said if you don't quit, he'll find out and cancel surgery. But just one? With 4 1/2 weeks to go?    — [Anonymous] (posted on October 26, 2001)

October 26, 2001
X-smoker here. I know what you mean! I tried quiting months before surgery but I was only successful 2 weeks before. I don't know how your surgeon would know about one cigarette; but let's face it. Cig's are like Lay's: you can't have just one. One leads to "well if one won't hurt, why would two?" Look at it this way: when you wake up from surgery your lungs might hurt a little bit. Do you want the cigarette smoke to make it worse? Especially dealing with the surgical pain? Another thing: if you can deal with the crap from Dr's office without a cigarette, then you'll know you can deal with the rollercoaster named "post-op". I'll be honest, I have smoked a cigarette since surgery. Tasted like dog crap, but I had to try it. Surgery and recovery was easier without cigarette side-effects, just remember that.
   — Kristin R.

October 26, 2001
I smoked the night before my surgery. I'd done so well, and quit for about 4 weeks so I could get all of my bloodwork done. Well, once I had my bloodwork done the night before, I got in the car and smoked up! Well, the next morning, there was a mix up with my paperwork or something, and they said that I had more testing to do, and sent me to see the nurse and I freaked out! I just knew that they would do a blood gas test, and cancel my surgery once they found out that I'd smoked. Luckily, everything was cleared up with no testing, and my recovery from RNY has been complication free so far (knock on wood), but just keep in mind that you NEVER know what may happen that morning of surgery, and you don't want to chance it!
   — [Anonymous]

October 27, 2001
You can do it! Dont light up! I quit two weeks ago because I want to do this so badly! and my surgeaon will not operate untill ive been off the cigarettes for tree months! YOU CAN DO IT!
   — Britt W.

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