Has anyone moved to another state within 1 month of surgery? After care?

   — [Anonymous] (posted on November 3, 2001)

November 3, 2001
I moved from San Diego to Kansas 10 days after my surgery! The movers came for my stuff while I was recuperating at my Mom's house - my husband handled the move (that's ANOTHER post!). Anyway, I went to see my doctor right before I left (that was my post-surgery appointment) and I scheduled another appointment with him that I flew back for. In between, I have called when I have questions, have relied on the WLS Support Group here in town, and this web-site for information. I have just found a new MD, local to run my blood work, etc. It is a bit more challenging that for those who can follow-up at will with the surgeon; but, my surgeon really wants us to transition to our own doctors for after-care anyway, once he knows the "surgery" part is all good. So, it's been fine for me. Best of luck to you. Bobbi Lee Open RNY 7/17/01
   — blee01

November 3, 2001
In my opinion, it won't really matter unless you have complications. At my follow-ups, the surgeon looked at the incisions and studied my bloodwork. Your PCP can make sure that your levels are okay and see if you have a hernia. Now, if a complication arose, that could be hairy. Find a WLS Surgeon in your new state, just in case. I recently spent 4 nights in the hospital because they thought I had a complication. I was so happy to have my surgeon overseeing my care. You want someone familiar with your new body in charge. So chose one. Get recommendations from this site. Keep his # in your wallet "just in case". You could also go back for your follow-up but it really isn't necessary. The PCP can handle it. Just have the surgeon mail you the blood order so your PCP knows what the surgeon is looking for.
   — Jeannet

November 4, 2001
I'm amost 11 months post op. Actually, I sort of moved about three months before my surgery, as I went away to school in August, but had my surgery in December. I came home for Christmas break and was home long enough to have two post-op visits. I just asked my surgeon for referrals in Phoenix (I'm from Chicago) and he gave me a list of three surgeons I had heard of in the Phoenix area. Then I checked around this site for opinions and emailed a few of the people about their surgeons. I picked one and went for a visit. After the first visit, his office told me that after three months post-op most of his patients are following up with their PCP, and that I would only need to see him if I have problems. I do fly back to Chicago a few times a year, so I follow up with my surgeon there. For instance my one year follow up in December, will be with my original surgeon. However it is nice to have a surgeon here in case of an emergency.
   — Maria H.

March 31, 2002
Hello i'm having sugery on 5/6/02 month before my birthday. I live with my dog alone and my parent want me to come back to their place in a different state to recover. But the post op doctor apt is 12 days after surgery to remove the staples and the tube in the stomach. I;m having the gastric bypass done. But my mother said she will stay with me until my first post op doctor apt. that about 12 days. So i either have to take care of myself if i stay in my house or go back with my parent in a different state. But i;m going to ask the doctor what is the best for me to do. you can e-mail me if you like my e-mail address is [email protected] thanks and great and happy and health year
   — Tyler M.

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