Anyone not thrilled with their progress?

I am about 3-4 months post op and have almost hit the 50 lbs lost mark but my loss has slowed and I don't feel thrilled anymore. I still feel fat and lazy and ugly. I also still think that I won't lose all the weight and I'll just sit here and then go right back up. Anyone else feel this way after they started slowing down? How did you deal with it? Aren't I supposed to be happy? Thanks.    — Amy E. (posted on November 26, 2001)

November 26, 2001
I understand your fear, only in my case I've lost a good deal. But the plataus are more often and last longer. I fear my window will close before I can lose the 190 pounds I hope to lose. (Down 112 now). I'm not dealing with it well, however there seems to be nothing I can do about it. Everyone here says, "up your water and protein". Some say to eat alittle more. Well I've tried these things and I've GAINED weight from those pieces of advice! It may work for them but it sure has'nt for me. So now all I can do is to watch my carbohydrates (keep them as low as I can) and try to relax. There seems to be no way to kick my weight loss into high gear so why worry. What will be, will be. :(
   — Danmark

November 26, 2001
I started this journey at 407 lbs. My goal was to get to 175. (I'm tall.) So that meant I needed to lose 232 lbs. I have lost 150 lbs. in 9 months and it has been pretty steady for me; however, this last week, I had my first plateau. This was very hard for me to deal with, since I immediately thought, "Oh, no! My window has closed, and I still have 82 lbs. to go!!!" I freaked out and called my doctor. He just laughed and said, "These last 82 lbs. are going to be very hard to get off. They've been on your body for a LONG time, and your body wants to hold onto them. Your plateaus are going to be longer and more frequent. The key is your state of mind. Are you going to continue going to the gym 4 times a week and watching what you eat, even if you don't see the numbers on the scale move? Giving up too easy is what made you fat in the first place! Just keep doing the right things, and your body will eventually release the fat. It might come off in 12 months; 18 months; 24 months or even longer. It's different for everyone. The key is HARD WORK and TENACITY. It always has been, but now we have a miraculous tool to help us stick in there to the end. Good luck to you!
   — Terissa R.

November 26, 2001
Attitude, Attitude, Attitude!! We need to keep a positive attitude. If you believe it, you can do it!! WLS isn't a miracle cure and hopefully your surgeon explained that to you! At first the pounds kind of melt off with not much work but eventually YOU have to do your part. It sounds like you may be a bit depressed which makes it hard to have a positive attitude. Please, if you think you may be depressed go see a doctor. They have wonderful meds today to help.
   — Elizabeth C.

November 26, 2001
Remember the story of the hare and the tortoise and who won the race? Hang in there, a slow loss doesn't mean it's stopped. Keep doing the right things and you'll be fine.
   — [Anonymous]

November 26, 2001
I go in cycles. I wanted to wake up from the table thin... not likely since I started at 410! I will think I'm doing great, then someone will come in the chat room who's lost 60 lbs in a month! I had to realize my body is losing weight the way it loses weight, and as long as I do my part.. exercise, don't graze, wait after eating to drink, then drink a lot, etc, the weight will come off. I am fighting genetics, hypothyroidism, and pcos with insulin resistence, not to mention fat cells that feel very snuggly and at home in my body and are clinging to the fat for all they are worth:) So I am thrilled, and sometimes not thrilled, and sometimes jealous of others, and sometimes hanging on to unrealistic dreams of a genie who grants my wish and makes me thin without me having to lift a finger, and then I realize I am losing weight, my clothes are looser, face thinner, feet boney, can see ankles that aren't puffy and swollen, my husband hugs me and tells me my hips are dissapearing, and I'm pretty darn Thrilled:) good luck!
   — Becky K.

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