Has anyone used or tried the new ab machines?

I've been seeing tons of ads for those electronic ab belts, the ones where it stimulates your muscles into contractions. Has anyone used or tried them? Do they work? I was thinking if they do, I'd like to get one! Thanks in advance!    — Amy E. (posted on December 21, 2001)

December 22, 2001
I have no idea if those electonic ones work. But i have an Ab-Doer. It seems to work. My abs are not "rock hard" but they are better than before. I started to notice a difference after using it for about 8 weeks. It is easy for me to use because you don't have to get on the floor. You sit upright and rock back and forth, side to side. I bought mine at Costco for $80 or $90.
   — [Anonymous]

December 22, 2001
Hi Amy: I heard you're not supposed to put those round stimulating pads on scar tissue, and since I have several scars in my stomach muscle area I decided to skip buying it. But I did think it sounded good, and would love to hear if you decide to get one and how it ended up working for you. Good luck. S
   — sherry hedgecock

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