I am beginning to feel guilty

I am beginning to feel guilty and concerned that by having this surgery I am tampering with what god has made. I have pretty comfortable with the surgery after doing so much research , and I understand the emotional issues that may come up from changed status etc. I am already on zoloft and wellbutrin for depression and I know weight has contributed to that depression. I look forward to my 'new' life and look - but now I am thinking along the spiritual aspects. Will God punish me down the line for this. How I have not insulted anyone. My therapist recently reminded me that my body is a temple ... I know that's a religious concept and it got me thinking about things ... sorry if this sounds disjointed ...    — Lynn W. (posted on December 25, 2001)

December 25, 2001
My Grandma, rest her soul used to say GOD helps those who help themselves. If you had a appendecitis would you ask this question? No, probably not. Yet a burst appendix and MO are really the same, both can kill you if they arent fixed! I had a issue with this myself, and my presence here is a effort to help others like you! I decided that if I survived and did well I would devote some time to promoting the surgery for others. Now do the same, or something else you couldnt do as a sick MO. God would smile on a new thin you helping in applachia, or volunteering at a food bank. These are GOOD things you likely cant physically do today but will be able to after surgery. Now get moving and help out here as a post op. or something....
   — bob-haller

December 25, 2001
If you had any other life threatening health issues, would you question God\'s plan before seeking treatment? Morbid obesity is a life threatening condition! You need to realize that God didn\'t make you fat and He isn\'t going to make you thin either. It is up to you! WLS is a tool to help you lose weight and regain your health just as much as heart surgery is a tool to help make the heart keep pumping blood. Even heart surgery patients have to change their life styles and eating habits if they want their surgery\'s to be successful for the long haul. I can\'t imagine someone wondering if God would approve of them having heart surgery to save their life, so why would anyone think life saving WLS is less worthy of acceptance?
   — Susan M.

December 25, 2001
Over indulging in ANYTHING is a sin! and that includes food. What kind of a temple do you have now? A sick and unhealthy one, or a healthy one? I have consulted God since day 1 of research, up until I had surgery, He\'s been with me all the way, I feel if He hadn\'t wanted me to have it i would still be obese, unhappy and unhealthy. I thank God for this gift of a new chance and a new life to serve Him better!
   — [Anonymous]

December 25, 2001
Hi Lynn, I too had this same issue come up before I had surgery, and I occasionally question myself if I did \"tamper\" with what God gave me, of course I tampered with it big time by eating everything, becoming grossly overweight, and ruining my body. I really prayed about getting this surgery when I was preop, I wanted it so bad, but like many had to see if my insurance company would pay. I told my self that if I was turned down then that was God telling me no, well I was approved. Then I told myself that if I lived through the surgery then God wanted me to do it. Well I lived. Then I told myself that if I didn\'t have complications that God was in approval of what I had done, no complications. Yes maybe I am telling God what to do instead of the other way around LOL. But if you feel that strongly about it then PRAY about it. Only good can come from prayer, and maybe you\'ll get your answer. Don\'t let someone else tell you that you are messing with God\'s creation.. That is between you and God, not anyone else. I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do :)
   — [Anonymous]

December 25, 2001
First of all, God doesn\'t \"punish\" us for the decisions that we make. He has given us free-agency to make our own choices whether good or bad. If this decision is one that will better our lives and us then it is a good decision and we will not regret the consecences! I think it is normal for us to question our choices this is a very emotional decision that we make. Just remember that this is something that will be good for you and for the ones that you love. God gave us the ability to make these wonderful medical advances and would want us to take advantage of the life changing opportunity that this surgery offer to us. You have done all of the research and the work that it takes to get to this point so relax and enjoy the benefits this surgery will bring to you! Best of luck to you and I know that you will do great. The Lord will be with you every step of the way and so will everyone on this site.
   — [Anonymous]

December 25, 2001
as a jew, i dont believe in a \'punishing\' god. we r taught that we will have to \'explain\' our actions before our souls can be peaceful. i have to very strongly disagree with the poster who said \'god didnt make u the way u r\'. god may not have pushed the food into our mouths but he sure did pave the way our genes made us who & what we r. morbid obesity is now recognized as a life threatening DISEASE. research has shown that genetics have made us obese/morbidly obese. i will repeat what another poster said...why did god give a mere human being the power to be so smart as to become a dr & learn the things drs have to learn & then gifted some with \'magic\' hands? please, for ur own mental well being, make sure that u r absolutely sure & ready for this surgery & that ur subconcious mind is not using ur religious beliefs as a scapegoat. good luck to u.
   — sheryl titone

December 25, 2001
I found a quick and easy way to deal with this. I have used it with a couple of people who had negative things to say to me about this surgery. Mark 9:45-47 (condensed version-if a body part causes you to sin chop it off/pluck it out. Better to go thru life with missing part than have something that causes you to sin.) While I know that my food addiction starts in my head the vehicle it uses is my mouth.. hand and stomach. So I chose my stomach. My response to people is this... my stomach causes me to sin so I took away the temptation to sin. So far no one has had a good comeback to that. For yourself pray about your decision. God will let you know if this is right for you. Hope this helps you somewhat.
   — mama2matthew

December 25, 2001
I haven\'t read any of the other posts (cause I\'m running late for work) but I just HAD to answer this question cause I too struggled with the issue of doing God\'s will. I told myself that if HE allowed me to get to the surgery table, then it was his will. I am now almost two months post-op and Satan tried every trick in the book to keep me from having the surgery. Look at it this way, if you had cancer, would it be God\'s will for you to seek treatment? YES. If you had a heart condition, would it be God\'s will to have heart surgery? YES. Don\'t forget. God allowed mankind to gain the knowledge to perform this type of surgery. IT IS A GIFT FROM GOD. Everything that is/was wrong with me was self-inflicted, the high blood pressure, high cholesterol, the heel spurs, the acid reflux....should I go on? God gave me a second chance, just like he would a heart patient, or a cancer patient. Would God not want an alcoholic to go to AA meetings? Do you get the point? Praise His name! And take care of YOU. Stop struggling with the decision. It\'s Satan telling you you\'re not worthy. You are. You\'re God\'s child and He wants what\'s best for you, IN ABUNDANCE!
   — blank first name B.

December 25, 2001
If you were that worried about tampering what God has made, you\'d never pluck your eyebrows, share under your arms or shave your legs, fix your teeth, take pills to end your depression, cut your hair, educate your mind, take asprin for a headache, take midol for menstral cramps, take birth control pills, use sunscreen, use anti-wrinkle creme, etc., etc., There is nothing wrong with having surgery to correct a disease (and morbid obesity is a disease).
   — [Anonymous]

December 25, 2001
i to am worried about the surgery but i know i need it but i just pray god will keep his hand on the doctor and me and get me thur this and home and doing as good as the others on this site i have done my home work about the surgery but that dont mean you still are not afraid i have pray and try leaving it will god but i pick it right back up my date is soon and i pray god will go all the way with me no matter what comes along with this surgery he said he would be with us until the end so i am standing on that and praying all goes well but most of all i belong to god he holds my life in his hands so just pray and ask god to help you though this surgery god bless you and those that are christian lets pray for one anothers needs and help each other thur the good and bad times i pray god will bring a piece to you and be with you all the way good luck and god bless you and your family i am going with it and if i can do it anyone can trust me
   — [Anonymous]

December 26, 2001
I agree with most of the other posts that basically compared treatment of obesity to treatment for any other life threatening disease. We\'d never question our decision if it was for cancer, gall bladder disease, appendicitis, etc. However, the low self esteem that most of us suffer from (even if we don\'t realize it) causes us to question whether we deserve to have this elective procedure. It wasn\'t elective for me. It was life or death. Lose weight or die. As I was being wheeled into the OR for surgery I prayed the standard prayer that everyone prays before surgery.....\"Please don\'t let me die, please forgive me of my sins, please let me lose weight, etc\". But I added one extra little prayer in there \"Please change my life through weight loss surgery\". BOY!! Did God take me seriously!! He allowed me to lose 110 pounds and go from a size 26 to a size 8. He allowed me to start a support group that works with hundreds of WLS patients. He allowed me to change careers and work full time in the weight loss surgery field. He opens doors for me to speak with total strangers about the benefits of WLS (I\'d never approach anyone about the surgery and just give them unsolicited advice or info). It\'s been the most amazing journey of my life. I\'ve never been more sure about anything in my life than this...GOD IS 100% FAITHFUL TO THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES!! You are having this surgery to save your life. You are having this surgery to improve the quality of your life. And if you\'re a normal woman - you like the idea of feeling pretty. There\'s nothing wrong with that. It\'s so good to appreciate the person you see in the mirror each morning. It\'s an important part of good physical and mental health. You are not going against God by having this surgery - you are placing your faith in Him and the ability He\'s given your surgeon. Go into this journey with peace. You\'re doing the right thing!! Good Luck and God Bless you!!
   — ronascott

December 26, 2001
ok i will probably get a slap on the wrist from the powers that be for this one but i have to do it. i take INSULT from the anonymous poster who calls for christians exclusively to pray for one another!!! i am a jew & i pray for others. is religion a club with restricted membership???? do u think christianity is the be all & end all of religious faith??? do u think god only recognizes christians as worthy??? remember this...jesus was born & died a JEW. christianity is what he taught & because he was a teacher his rightful title is RABBI...the hebrew word for teacher! christianity was his OPINION of what judaism should have been! do u get the picture???? if not, listen to this, christianity is an off shoot of judaism.
   — sheryl titone

December 26, 2001
Sheryl, your words were alittle harsh but I understand what you are saying and why you might take offense. I honestly don't think that anyone meant that other religions couldn't pray for another person, they just put it in writing incorrectly. "Of Course" each and every religion has it's own prayer and "of course" God listens to each and every one of us. The Jewish religion is a beautiful one as well as a very old and traditional one. Please know that I am sure that NO ONE intended to insult. As for God being upset with this surgery....hmmm well, I guess only he knows but he also said that our bodies are our temples and that we should take care of them well. Obviously, we haven't been doing that but with the surgery, at least we are trying. I doubt that God would fault anyone for that.
   — Barbara H.

December 26, 2001
Lynn, I can understand your struggle. I am not going to go into what God thinks because that would be wrong. What I can tell you is that before I had surgery I did a lot of praying and soul searching. I talked to a friend at my church about my delima and her answer helped to give me peace on this decision. She asked me why did I choose the physician that I did. I told her it was because I felt he was knowledgeable and skillful in the surgery. She then asked me who gave him those skills. I knew right away what she was saying. I then realized that God (the one who I believe in or the one who you believe in - it makes no difference) was working through this surgeon, guiding his hand. Right before I went into surgery the hospital Chaplain came to me and asked me if he could pray with me. It was the most wonderful thing in the world. I felt a peace like I've never known. Honey have faith. God works through all people. Pray that he will be guiding the surgeons hand and BELIEVE IT. Take care and God bless.
   — Teresa G.

December 27, 2001
By the time I was old enough, I stopped attending church due to words such as guilt, punish etc. Those are things made up by man, trying to control the populace. I didn't want to be part of something that based anything on guilt. I spent most of my life fearful of God's "wrath", and afraid of being guilty of something. I feel in my heart that God wants you to be happy, period. He didn't create us to be miserable. I prayed every step of the way- hoping he would show me a big sign if I were choosing the wrong path. Every door opened freely..... since I now think of God as a loving, giving, happy God- my life is now as well...
   — Karen R.

December 27, 2001
barbara u r absolutely words were harsh & intentionally so. u have no idea the anger i felt when i read that posters words. my religion is no BETTER than urs or anyone elses, & THAT was my point of my post. we r all gods matter what god we believe in. for that poster to have called for one particular sect to pray for a person is what insulted me. after all...cant my jewish god be magnanimous & watch over non jews too?
   — sheryl titone

January 5, 2002
I am having my surgery on Feb. 11. I had your same concerns. Someone told me once that God heals in different ways.. Some miraculously and sometimes through doctors and medicines etc... Our body is a temple.. so take care of it. Only you can know through prayer whether this is by having the surgery or not. In my case I feel The Lord wants me to be healthy and this is how I am choosing to do it. If it doesnt feel right don't. Just know if you ask Him he will lead you to what is right for you. Best of Luck and all the health in the world to you. Mary
   — Mary B.

February 16, 2002
I have thought of the same thing as a pre-op. I agree with what another poster said in that if God did not want the surgery, he would not have given mankind the knowledge to perform it. I figure, gluttony is a sin too and that's what I do with food. As for the harsh posts on Judism v. Christiantity....SAVE IT. This website is not meant for such bantering.
   — emilyfink

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