Any success in exercise to make pre-op

I am 30 years old, weight about 380 and in the beginning stages of getting approved for WLS through Weight 4 Life. I want to know if anyone has been successful in doing crunches/weight training to "wake up" atrophied muscles in their abdomen area, so that a tummy tuck would not be necessary. I am not looking for a Janet Jackson "8 pack" (not that I wouldn't take it), but a non-flabby tummy/abdomen would be nice to look forward to without another scalpel.    — ALLYSON D. (posted on January 8, 2002)

January 8, 2002
Not real sure about the answer to your question but I just wanted to say..Janet Jackson didn't ALWAYS have that "six pack" she use to be pretty there is hope ;)
   — mastrnservnt

January 8, 2002
Toned muscles heal faster. I think the excess skin after you loose the weight doesn't really respond to muscle tone. A tummy tuck mostly gets the excess skin out of the way and muscle can't do that. Hope that helps ya!
   — Carolynn J.

January 8, 2002
I was told I recovered fast after surgery because I was a active, and got exercise pre op. See my profile. Its not so much the tummy muscles but your entire body. Cardiovascular health can be improved by just walking a bit each day, even if you cant do a lot.
   — bob-haller

January 8, 2002
I heard that if you lost a little weight before surgery it helped in the recovery. I lost 15 lbs and toned up my arms, legs, thighs, and butt. I think it helped, mainly because I could lift myself and change positions without relying on my sore tummy muscles. I didn't have any trouble getting up and down from bed or potty--not like with my c-section where it was a major pain (literally!) to get up and down. I didn't have any problems and was back at work after 10 days. Shoulda waited 14, but oh, well.
   — ctyst

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