Now that you don't have food to turn to, what do you do?

I'm a pretty together person, but I have noticed (my husband as well) that since I don't have food to turn to, that I am having trouble handling the stress in my life. I am curious how you all have handle the loss of using food as your coping mechanisms and what you've done to replace it.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on January 15, 2002)

January 14, 2002
You know Kim, I hadn't thought of it before, but I think I am having the exact same problem. I work for a large corporation full time, go to school full-time and am getting married in June so I have a full plate, and previously this wasn't a problem, but now it's really getting too much for me. I am crying all the time, very frustrated and not quite sure how to handle it. I am also a lot more irritable than before, and you know I think you may have something about it being related to me not having food to turn to anymore! I know this really doesn't answer your question, but at least you know you're not alone!!!
   — Deborah W.

January 14, 2002
I'm thankful that I was never an emotional eater. But, if you ate to relieve stress, you have to find something to replace it with. Exersize works for some people (not for me...). A hobby, reading, keeping a journal (that works for me...), volunteer work (..also works for me). But, one of the best stress relievers is honesty with the folks in your life who are giving you all that stress! Elimination or at least diminishing the stress is so much better than just coping with it.
   — [Anonymous]

January 15, 2002
One thing that I have found that has been alot of fun and has really become a big source of pride is Scrapbooking. I had always meant to get my photo albums put together (when I got time), but this is more rewarding and it is alot of fun. I also just get my tennies on and go for a walk. Good luck I know it is not easy. Roshelle
   — roshelle P.

January 15, 2002
When I went through a tough period post op I ordered 7 cubic yards of mulch and created a playyard for my daughter. I shoveled every night until I got it done!
   — ctyst

January 15, 2002
You know, the only way I have been able to get my mind off food at any time in my life, is to work with a craft of some sort. I have taught myself to draw, I have become a potter, a painter, and a candle maker! I make jewelry with precious metals or with sculpy. I just taught myself glass lamping (making glass beads with a torch), and am looking forward to learing how to make stained glass stuff. When I keep my mind busy on some craft, I forget about food to the extent I end up missing meals! Perhaps you just need to find a craft to fill your time...? Good Luck!
   — Sharon H.

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