I'm not sure how to deal with my boyfriend's reactions to my weightloss.

I broke up with my boyfriend last summer and have not seen him much since then. Recently we started seeing each other again. I had surgery in the fall, and have lost around 80 pounds and he does not like it. He makes comments about my breasts shrinking often and tries to get me to overeat or eat things that are not good for me. He is not overweight himself and I don't think he understands my issues, but he IS an admirer of bigger women. We had serious problems in the past due to his temper but so far so good in that dept. I just don't know if it's worth it to try to work this out and continue our relationship. Maybe it's low self esteem causing me to stay in this mess. Any suggestions?    — [Anonymous] (posted on January 16, 2002)

January 16, 2002
I think you need to be patient and wait for a guy who will love you for who you are and not what you look like, or what you eat or how big your breasts are or aren't. Be willing to wait for the man you truly deserve and who truly deserves YOU. Low self esteem or not, you are worth so much more than what you are settling for. Also, speaking from experience, temper issues don't go away easily...they'll resurface eventually.
   — [Anonymous]

January 16, 2002
Why would you stay with a guy who is trying to sabotage your new healthier life??? And if he is a fan of large women there are plenty out there for him to chose from rather than discourage your from losing weight. The answer to your dilemma seems pretty clear to me -- get rid of him.
   — [Anonymous]

January 16, 2002
Simple, lose him, OR, your self worth.
   — Marie A.

January 16, 2002
Ditto, ditto, and ditto!!!! Kick him to the curb!!! There will be plenty of nicer guys to choose from soon!!! I started at 243 and am down to 178 as of this morning. I have recently had guys flirting with me and giving me second looks. I am happily married tho, and my hubby is so very, very supportive of me. I think every woman should have a wonderful hubby like I have, don't stop looking until you find one! This guy is NOT for you!!!
   — [Anonymous]

January 16, 2002
I was in the same situation... Just remember HE WAS A EX FOR A REASON... My ex became very insecure and was unsupportive of the exciting changes I was making in my life... I was in DRIVE he was in PARK... I told him I could not have self-esteem for the both of us... and I broke it off... permanently... That was over a year ago... I took time for me for a change.. and when I wasn't looking... a knight in shining armor came into my life... I am glad I didn't hang onto the 'ex-cess' baggage... It left me free to love me and my new, and secure, man :-) Love yourself first... determine what you will and will not put up with... and ask yourself... if I could marry this man tomorrow... would I? If not... in your heart you know the answer to that... follow your heart.... I wish you the best... that is what you deserve...
   — California J.

January 16, 2002
Sounds like you need to get rid of him. If he really cared about you, he would be happy for you and your weight loss, rather then ridicule you. If he likes bigger women then, he needs to go find one, you had this surgery for a reason, don't let some person that you aren't even married to sabotage it for you, he just isn't worth it. I'm in kinda the same situation, but I'm married to mine.
   — [Anonymous]

January 16, 2002
He makes comments about your breasts shrinking? And you are even CONSIDERING keeping him around?????? Do you like verbal abuse? Get some self-respect and dump his a$$ !
   — Angie M.

January 16, 2002
And another thing! Maybe the reason he likes "big women" is because we're usually the only ones with low enough self-esteem that will put up with that type of garbage!
   — Angie M.

January 16, 2002
Girl, ditto, ditto, ditto. He is an EX and I am sure that was not for nothing. Don't go back in life. Move ==> FORWARD ==> If he can't be happy for you and your new found HEALTH, then he has to go! Have you ever thought that maybe you are so pretty that he wants you to be BIG so noone else looks at you and he can have you for himself. It's called S-E-L-F-I-S-H. Dump that ZERO and get yourself a real man who appreciates and supports YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

January 16, 2002
Well, here's my .02! You said he 'admires' larger women; does he like the fat or the person? Losing weight should not interfere with feelings. Ask yourself this, are you really happy with him? is he worth it? is this what you really want? are your feeling being hurt? Love does not hurt.
   — jenn2002

January 16, 2002
   — Diane E.

January 16, 2002
Some me, in my experience, like to feel as if they are doing the world a favor by being with an overweight woman. They like to make jokes around others that put you down. I don't know if this is happening, but it truely sounds as if you need to get away from him... YESTERDAY! If he doesn't care enough to respect your feelings about yourself, then get away while you can. It will only get harder later on. GOod Luck.
   — Sharon H.

January 16, 2002
I feel for you. I had been with a man for 4 years when I had surgery. He wasn't very supportive when I decided to have surgery in the first place, but he didn't put me down for it either. he was sortof indifferent to the whole thing. 6 weeks after coming home from the hospital, he dumped me. It was a terrible time for me, because I really loved him. however, after pulling myself together, I realized that I am much more deserving than what he had to offer me. I too, had an extremely low self esteem. He actually left me for his X wife who was bigger than I was when I first had surgery. It was difficult for me to deal with. I dated around a bit, and then found a fantastic man, who appreciates me for me!! He knows about my surgery, and thinks it is the best thing I have ever did for myself. I have known him as friends for 7 years so he has known me fat, and now thin. When we are intimate, he worships my body like a temple. And believe me, I am not something great to look at. Hanging skin, tiny breasts that sag horribly, etc, etc. I say dump this ZERO and wait for someone who truly appreciates you. i must say that the time I spent alone did wonders for me even though it was the hardest thing I ever did (read my profile and/or website for more on this). Maybe you need to do that to rediscover YOU. You are a fabulous person that deserves so much more. This guy sounds like a loser. Good luck in whatever you decide.
   — enjo4

January 17, 2002
I was in a similar relationship but i'm just waiting for my surgery date . the bottom line is you are very beutiful and you don't need a man who can't support your dreams and your decisions in life to be a loser and be proud of it . Let him go sometimes we trick ourselves into believing that we are not worth anything better than what we have and we are worth a kings ransom .We need to be treated like it and you will find someone who loves you for the woman you are and not for what they want you to be . I had to tell myself that exact same thing and it's hard to be in the situation and have feelings for the person who puts you down but if you think about that's emotional abuse and we just dont deserve that .no one does so do your self a favor love your self more and put you first for change and let him go ,your prince charming will come along when you least expect it .if you ever want to talk email me or go to my profile .jan g
   — JAN B.

January 28, 2002
Anyone who is wiling to put you down for willing to do something that you really wanted to do and would make yourself happy is not worth being with.
   — Christie D.

February 7, 2002
Find a new boyfriend! You deserve better than this!
   — catherine K.

February 7, 2002
Now's the time to concentrate on you and discovering who that is. I know for myself being overweight, I sort of lost my identity as well as my self esteem. But your surgery is the first step in gaining those things back. A man should be an asset to your life at this point, not a liability. If he's not supportive now and your are just beginning to lose the weight and gain some confidence, then I predict he will only get worse. Some guys only like to be with women whos self esteem is lower than theirs to make them seem like they 're alright. But as soon the woman start to gain some confidence, then they see it as a threat. Think about it, pray about it and God will guide you.
   — felicia W.

October 8, 2002
My advice to you is RUN!!! Don't even consider putting up with that kind of crap!
   — tinkerbellsw

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