I am 13 months post op and my hubby is pushing the baby issue!

Like I said I am 13 months post op and my hubby thinks that it is time to concentrate on having another child. (our only child is 9) I am looking forward to having another baby, however, I am concerened about weight gain after WLS. I have lost a total of 135 pounds and am almost at goal weight. I'm sure that I do not have to say that I am concerned about my weight gain during my pregnancy. I think that if I am told all will be ok that I will be ok. Having another child is something that we both want but I have gone through so much just to put it all back on(the weight that is)I am not sure that I can put myself through that after having come so far. I am not a shallow person, but I am very concerned that I did not do this surgery in vein. Thanks!!!!!!! P.S. I have researched the library and still have not found an answer to my question. thank you again!!!!!!    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 1, 2002)

February 1, 2002
The big concern is nutrition. Since you are far enough post op and the surgery gives you limited space to volume eat, and you have gotten right with your daily habits, you should be fine. I had surgery in 94, a post op baby in 96 (I had gone from 463 to 242) and today am at maintenance at 185 lbs. I gained about 40 lbs with the pregnancy which was more than I would have liked but that has been average for the women in my family. If you take care of yourself, your pregnancy will be picture perfect. I didn't even get swollen ankles or fingers....(Oh, my post op baby is in Kindergarten, she was 8lbs 9 oz and 22 inches when she was born) Rita then 463, now 185 RNY 3.31.94
   — vt_rita

February 1, 2002
I have to say the typo in your question a Freudian slip? lol
   — Kathy J.

February 1, 2002
..crossed my mind ALSO, Kathy.... ROFL
   — Diane E.

February 1, 2002
My doctor doen't want his patients to get pregnant for 18 months after surgery. Hope this helps.
   — sandy W.

February 2, 2002
My doctor said not to get pregnant for 2 years for nutritional reasons.I'm sure your husband will want a healthy baby. Did you ask your surgeon?
   — Candace F.

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