Has anyone swallowed a cough drop post-op?

I accidentally swallowed a regular sized cough drop. Has anyone having an RNY done this post-op? Do you think they dissolve okay? I'm worried about eating with it still un-dissolved in my pouch and blocking the stoma. What do you think? (I couldn't find this problem in the library)    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 11, 2002)

February 11, 2002
They are designed to dissolve in saliva, so one would hope. Adding a LOT of water will dilute the saliva & maybe hurt. If it's not gone in about 1/2 hour, I'd call the doc.
   — vitalady

February 11, 2002
I swallowed a hard candy, just about that size a few weeks ago. I was worried at first. I never felt any discomfort and drank some hot tea to help dissolve it. I would wait an hour or so and have some hot drinks before eating.
   — M. A. B.

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