I have no health problems other than my weight, is this surgery for me?

I have been approved for April 23. Is this surgery right for me? Am I just haveing the jitters? I need some help with this please.    — Robin K. (posted on March 2, 2002)

March 2, 2002
Hi Robin. I too had no other health problems other than being 100 lbs overweight. I am now 4 1/2 weeks post op and down 38lbs and doing super great. I didn't have any problems getting approval thru my insurance company either. Best of Luck!!!
   — Kathy J.

March 2, 2002
I know that this is not what you want to hear, but nobody can tell you whether this surgery is right for you or not. I am in the same exact spot as you right now...I am sceduled for surgery April 30th and have the jitters. I do not have any other health problems from being morbidly obese, but the way I look at it, that is enough of a health problem in itself. If I don't get my weight taken care of now, I will soon develop serious health problems and there is a good chance that I will end up dying prematurely. At the size I am right now, I am so limited and don't feel like I am living a full life as it is. Even though I keep rethinking my decision to have surgery, I never end up changing my mind. I know it will be well worth it in the end. Follow your heart and try weighing (no pun intended :) the pros and cons of the surgery. For me, the pros definitely outweigh the cons, so I feel I am making the right decision. One of my favorite quotes that someone said on this website was "Food doesn't taste as good as being skinny feels". If you need to talk to someone in the same boat as you, feel free to email me.
   — Kelly M.

March 2, 2002
Hi! I'm 5 months post-op and down 73 lbs with 24 more to go. The previous poster was right, nobody can tell you if it's right for you or not, but, I assume since you have a date scheduled, you're probably informed and the process of "making the decision" and "getting a date" took a good chunk of time; months, in most cases. That being the case, you DID make the decision to have surgery, so it MUST be right for you. It's normal to feel the "jitters." In my case (and in most, from what I've read) the jitters go away a week or two before surgery. All I can say is that I think we all question our decision, but I believe that's only because we have so much time to think about it. Just remember back to the moment you made the decision and hang on to that memory. I too had no health problems...but I've been watching my mom get sicker and sicker over the last few years. At 56 she has the quality of life (health-wise) of an 80 yo. I didn't want to be in the same boat. Know that you made the decision for whatever reasons, and if you made them with knowledge, than it is the RIGHT decision. Good luck to you! Hang in there!
   — Anne B.

March 2, 2002
Hi Robin.... Last week we had our WLS Support Group meeting locally. Someone stated they had no health problems and was doing this totally to look better. There is nothing wrong with that statement. But one thing is certain and I brought this out.... If you stay on the same spiral you are now, gaining, losing, gaining, gaining... you WILL have health problems. What has been learned about obesity is that it is progressive if unchanged and you will have problems with your joints, blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, etc. Look also at your family history. History unchanged is repeated. Everyone is right, only you can decide if this is right for you. But as you consider this, think too about what you can do to change the trend you are in in gaining weight other than WLS so that like most of us, you don't end up with serious health problems. I'm one of those 51 year old women who feels 80. : ) Do all of your research, talk, ask questions and then maybe do what I did. On paper, list How I am Now, How I'll be in 5 or 10 years, Reasons Why I should do this, Reasons why not and compare your lists. Best of luck as you make your decisions. Hollar if I can help in anyway.
   — AJC750

March 2, 2002
I had few comorbidities and none of them were life threatening. However, at age 43 and 267 pounds, I knew that my time for serious health problems was just lurking around the corner. I have a strong family history of heart disease and diabetes. I felt so heavy, ashamed, old, and achy. Also I was continously frightened of dying while my children were still young. I first and foremost had this surgery as a way to protect my health but I'd be lying if I said vanity didn't play a part in it. I want to look good. I'm not talking model-good, but just normal. I think thats as important for my mental health as the weight loss is for my physical health. Whatever your reasons are for having this surgery, all of you will benefit.
   — Donna L.

March 2, 2002
Four of us in our family have had WLS now. My daughter was the heaviest one of all (406 lbs...BMI 70), but the only one with absolutely no health problems. Not only had her weight severely limited her working and social lifestyle, but she was totally aware that she was a "walking timebomb" in terms of her future health. All she had to do was to look at the rest of her family to see her future: hypertension, diabetes, poor circulation, GERD, stress incontinence, joint problems, and clinical depression. She is now 2 years post-op, less 220 lbs., married since October, and expecting a "honeymoon baby" in July. I have never seen her more beautiful or more happy in her lifetime. The rest of us are all at goal and healthier than we have been in 15-20 years. Would we do this again? a heartbeat! Do any of us have any regrets?....only that we didn't know about this and do this years and years ago. Best wishes to you!
   — Diana T.

March 2, 2002
i was in the same boat. I had surgery 6 weeks ago down 56 lbs. My Dr summed it up best," Bob you are like a drunk driving down a road on a rainy night. I don't know when but you will hit a tree!" Good Luck
   — Robert L.

March 3, 2002
Well, I dont think its our job to convience you. Only to tell you for me its the best thing i've done for myself. I feel so good. But you see, I'm 58. I didn't have problems earlier on either, but they will come and soon enough. This could possibly avoid them..but that decission has to be yours and Gods. Good luck on your choice.
   — Jackiis

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