Terrible mood swings at 5 weeks post op- Just eating soft foods, is this common?

   — ANNA D. (posted on March 7, 2002)

March 7, 2002
YES, go to the database and look up post-op depression. Most of us had it....
   — Karen R.

March 7, 2002
Prepare for an emotional rollercoaster for the next year!
   — Karen R.

March 7, 2002
I had the same problem and my doctor said it was the hormones being released because of rapid weight loss. I feel pretty much back to normal now and I'm 7 weeks postop.
   — Candace F.

March 7, 2002
Thank you for asking this question and thanks to all who posted their answers. I'm 3 months out and still have mood swings. I laugh, cry and get angry very easily and sometimes without any obvious reasons. I had the idea that this would only last a few weeks for some reason, and was worried that it's continued. I had visions of me being so content with my changing body that I would be happy, patient and sweet at all just ain't so! I'm thrilled with my surgery and the results so far, but working on dealing with everyday stuff without food as my coping mechanism has been difficult. That coupled with the hormone surges has turned me into a Dr. Jeckyl/Mr. Hyde at times. I'm SO relieved to hear that its common for a year...that means there is hope for tranquility in my home and life. My husband and girls will be so happy when they can wake up and know who Mom is today lol. Thanks so much.
   — Donna L.

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