Any advice on how to prepare mentally, physically, and/or emotionally?

I was approved for surgery a few weeks ago. I have been wanting surgery for over 2 years now. I have done a lot of research, especially on this site, and appreciate the honesty and sharing that takes place here. My surgery won't take place until June (I'm a teacher, and don't want to take off from work until then). I have a bit of time to wait, but I want to be prepared. I've already starting watching what I eat and exercising...but, I'm still nervous. This isn't an easy decision as you all know. My family still has doubts and aren't as supportive as I need them to be...advice on any of this? All responses are appreciated, negative or positive.    — Karen B. (posted on March 9, 2002)

March 9, 2002
Hi, U you know i thought i was totally prepared for the surgery but when all was said and done I wasnt as prepared as i thought. its a major change in your lifestyle physically and emotionally. in my own opinion i dont think u can be fully prepared for it. you have to take it one day at a time once you have had the surgery. as for your family, perhaps they are scared and not so educated on the procedure. also reality hasnt hit them yet. im going off of my own experiance. just educate them every chance you get. show them this is what u really feel is best for you and that you are doing this to better your self health wise. good luck to you.
   — Deanna Wise

March 9, 2002
hi there well first of youve done a good thing by getting all the research done this way you have an idea of what to expect i had open r n y on feb 8 02 i had done alot of research but find im still learning just know its not a decision to be made lightly , that youll maybe feel drained of energy atleast at first, and youll maybe go through some emotional times due to hormones changing and the drugs from the hospital and possibly some head hunger but during all of this try to stay positive remember why you had wls to be healthier and happier and remember if you do struggle "this to shall pass"i wish the best of luck to you and congrats on approval ;)
   — carrie M.

March 9, 2002
I spent hours and hours looking at the before and after pictures. It was such an encouragment to me. It helped me keep my sanity until the big day arrived. That was 332 pounds ago. :) Please let me know if I can help in any way. Your Weight Loss Pal.
   — DeeDubbs

March 9, 2002
I agree with Deanna. I had researched and researched some more. The hardest part of this surgery is the mind games during the recovery. Our bodies are not doing what we want them to do as fast as we want them to do it. Food issues become a constant drain on the emotions. Our hormones are out of whack causing more issues. Is it worth it? YOU BET IT IS!!!!!! When I relaxed and let things happen as they should, I had no more problems. I am now 12 weeks out from BPD/DS with a loss of 62 lbs. I feel wonderful! Keep doing all the things you have started, including breathing exercises too. By next Sept. you will feel and look so good.
   — grammie5

March 10, 2002
I would recommend making a complete list now as to WHY you are having this surgery. While the reasons and enthusiasm are so fresh in your mind. As the time for my surgery drew closer, I drew a complete blank as to WHY I was having this surgery. I only had about a 6 week wait and I completely forgot!! It was scarey. All of those positive reasons just left my mind. I then reread my diet history letter and my appeal from the heart about my need for this surgery. It helped so much. So, now while it is fresh in your mind, write everything down. Take it out when you are about a week preop and mentally blank. It will help. I would assume it would also help immediately post op when you are experiencing the "WHY did I do this?" phase. I didn't need it then, but it may help you. Shelley
   — Shelley.

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