Where can I get a c-pap machine FAST?

My cousin is having DS weightloss surgery on Monday. She just found out she needs to have a c-pap machine with her at the hospital or the doctor won't do surgery. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for your help.    — Cinna G. (posted on March 13, 2002)

March 13, 2002
You need a prescription to obtain a CPAP. Whoever diagnosed her with apnea should have arranged for a home health care rep to come out to her house with the equipment and show her how to use it. I don't remember how long it took to get the machine after my sleep study, but I remember the whole process took FOREVER. I know it was about 6 months between the time my PCP referred me to a sleep lab and the time I got a CPAP. The surgeon should be aware of when she was diagnosed and have reasonable expectations based on that. Otherwise, if she has a prescription, you can buy CPAPs and equipment at I am not affiliated with this place, but I have bought supplies from them and was pleased. Good luck!
   — Susan B.

March 13, 2002
I agree with the first poster about the Sleep Clinic (or whoever it was that diagnosed the apnea, they should have arranged for a cpap machine. But, mine was all done in a matter of 2 weeks. I went to the Sleep Clinic for my sleep apnea test. Was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and was set an appt 2 weeks later for another appt at the sleep clinic where I was fitted with a cpap machine and it went home with me in the morning. VOILA!! Done. The first poster was right, you cant just go out and buy one. You have to be prescribed and "fitted" for one. A professional has to set the appropriate air flow or it can do more damage than good.
   — skymaxjr

March 13, 2002
EBAY has them
   — anne G.

March 13, 2002
I agree with the first poster, and also wanted to add that the mask must be fit properly as well as having the correct setting on the c-pap. Very important. You just can't use any old has to be fitted to your face. Hugs, Joy
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 13, 2002
Even if you can buy them on ebay, DON'T. They have to be calibrated for each individual. When the sleep study is done, the technicians will adjust the pressure on the machine until it is right for the person using it. Using a CPAP with the wrong pressure, high or low, can be very harmful, nearly as harmful as not using one at all.
   — garw

March 13, 2002
i have had a cpap for 4 years. just prior to my surgery my cardiologist sent me for a new sleep study. good thing he did too. my air pressure needed adjusting. he referred me to a pulmonologist to take care of it. my pulmonogist personally called the medical equipment company & gave them STAT orders for a new machine set at my new pressure. it was delivered to my door within 2 hours. do she have a dr who can accomplish this for her?
   — sheryl titone

March 13, 2002
I have what my slep DR. calls a severe case of sleep apnea, and my surgeon didn't want my c-pap machine at the hospital, instead he had me wear the oxygen nose hose that is installed in each hospital room by the beds. I came through just fine. Good luck to your friend. Diana ([email protected])
   — Diana M.

March 13, 2002
I have been sleeping with a c-pap machine for 9 years. I took it to the hospital but I could not tolerate it until about 2 weeks after the surgery.. My insides were so tender that the air pressure really hurt. I agree that the oxygen used at the hospital is all she should need. If she hasn't been sleeping with one already (and it sounds like she hasn't) then I sure wouldn't try it for a few weeks after the surgery. It is amazing how fast we don't need the c-pap after the surgery. Within 4 weeks I didn't need it at all. I still use it though because it puts me to sleep so fast and so deep. I find myself pulling it off during the night. It is the sound I am addicted to I think.
   — MARSHA D.

April 15, 2004
Check with any respatory supplier. They sould be able to get it in a hurry if she has her persciption. If not call the Dr and tell him what is going on. When I was in the hospitla I had my cpap machine and they didn't even use it. Good luck
   — Peggy R.

April 8, 2005
I am a CPAP Technician for a sleep center. You must have an order/prescription written by your doctor to order the machine. If you are someone who had a prescription and ordered it online, you must take it to your doctor managing your sleep apnea care so that he/she can calibrate it accordingly. If you are someone buying a machine on Ebay and have the manual that shows you how to calibrate it, and even if you know what your pressure should be - you must have a medical device to adjust it properly. Many times, the pressure on the machine will read let's say, 10cmH2O but the actual pressure it is producing could be lower or higher. We use special devices to record and adjust the pressure. We never go by what the machine says. Buying online can be beneficial for those having trouble with insurance or high deductibles but continuing letting your sleep specialist manage your care so it is being effective. Good luck!
   — Tiffany W.

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