HELP!!!! I'm healthy!!!!!

Had to use something to get some attention :) I had my physical/bloodwork done and found out my BMI is 51 (which I already knew I would qualify based on this) but my bloodwork came back normal!!!!! Now what? I know it sounds horrible to hope that something would be found but I know what a fight I'm in for with the insurance if there are no existing medical conditions. I just keep wondering if I'll have to keep on these see-saw diets until I begin having heart problems for them to see that it's necessary. I really need to know where to go from here, please help me? Another question, I see where people post "Fuller figure clothing" but where do I go to view to purchase from that list? If you wish to email me directly, please feel free to do so. Thanks in advance for all the advise    — Lori S. (posted on March 13, 2002)

March 13, 2002
Have you checked to see if you have sleep apnea? A sleep specialtist can tell you for sure, because you may or may not know if you have it. It is a condition see in obese people and could help. As far as your insurance company goes, check your policy extensively for loop holes and fight if you have to. Good Luck!
   — Caroline C.

March 13, 2002
Hi...My blood work came back normal too. In fact, besides having high blood pressure I am known as a healthy big person. My DR just says that I will not be healthy in the future due to my blood pressure problems if I don't lose some weight. He also told me that when you are MO that you are a target for alot of diseases that can happen in the future. Good Luck!!
   — Lovett

March 13, 2002
Hi. I'm 9 months post op, and was relatively healthy when I had surgery. I was very nervous about getting my WLS covered by insurance, but when I listed all the things "wrong" with me, it helped get me approved. Do you have heartburn? Do you wake up feeling rested, or are you tired when you wake up? Do your knees give you any problems? How about your back? Being overweight can cause fertility problems also, how about that? Is your period regular? Do you have carpel tunnel? That is also weight related. There's TONS of things you can find wrong with you if you just look hard enough! Email me if you'd like me to send you a copy of my surgeon's letter to my insurance company, maybe that will give you some ideas. By the way, I was 32 when I had my surgery, and my BMI was around 47 (5'7", 298). Now I'm 198. Good luck!
   — Becky H.

March 13, 2002
Are you sure you have to have existing health conditions to qaalify thru your ins.? As long as you have a BMI of 40+ you should be home free. I was worried about this too, but really, just being MO in and of itself is enough to qualify for this surgery. Good luck..
   — rebeccamayhew

March 13, 2002
Lori ~ A lot of us are "healthy". I saw 8 specialists - pulmonologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, etc. - and I am in perfect condition. However, my BMI was 50, and if my previous diet history was any indication I wasn't going to lose all of this weight and keep it off for life. Who knows how unhealthy it would make me down the line? Tests, shmests. Being 150 pounds overweight is a serious health issue in itself, and I guess that was good enough for my insurance company. Hopefully, you will have as much ease getting approved as some of us do. In the meanwhile, panicking will do nothing for you but make you upset. Keep positive and in good spirits and do research on getting insurance approval from your company, so that you'll be prepared should you have to fight. Congratulations on your decision to have surgery. I wish you the best of luck.
   — PaulaM

March 13, 2002
What about GERD do you have that? Numbness in any parts of your body? I have fallen arches and heal spurs due to my being overweight. Don't forget to take those aches and pains into consideration. Sometimes we do not feel that we want to be complainers and we just live with these nuisences. I started to add up all my aches and pains and low and behold they were all from my being overweight. Good luck.
   — ChristineB

March 13, 2002
Also sometimes the insurance companies consider if you have a family history of obese relatives with diseases. My father died at 51 of a stroke and both grandmothers (all obese) had diabetes, one grandmother died of CHF (congestive heart failure) insurance company took that into consideration when my PCP wrote "terrible family history of obesity with stroke, CHF and diabetes" Look at your family's health history, maybe you will come up with something. But, I will say that it is possible that I would have qualified without that. HTH
   — A. S.

March 13, 2002
If you have pain in your ankles and/or knees it could be ostioarthritis. Weight loss could prevent joint replacement surgery. If you have numbness/pain on the outsides of your upper thighs it's most likely pressure on the femoral nerve. Weight loss could prevent permanent nerve damage. If you have recurring pain in your lower back (with episodes of shooting pain/numbness down the legs) it could be degenerative disc disease or a herniated/bulging disc. Weight loss could help prevent extensive back surgery. If you have heavy bleeding and pain during your periods it could be menohraggia. Weight loss could reduce the amount of latent hormones found in fat cells and reduce the bleeding and the anemia associated with it. I consider myself to be a very healthy morbidly obese person. I just thought I had a few aches and pains. BUT, look at your symptoms in a different way and're FALLING APART!! Throw in a supportive PCP and you're ready to go. I'm not saying lie about anything...I have these problems...some of them have not been 'tested' but then sometimes symptoms are good enough. Look at your symptoms, aches and pains and see what you can find.
   — Wendy C.

March 13, 2002
I had no serious comorbidities and used aching feet, back and knees, incontinence, and my family history of heart disease and diabetes. I was approved in 4 days with no problems at all. I have BC/BS Horizon HMO. Good luck!
   — Donna L.

March 13, 2002
not only did my surgeon list all my comorbities in his request for surgery letter but he also mentioned my family's history of diabetes, heart conditions & strokes.
   — sheryl titone

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