Obsessed with WLS research?

Has anyone else felt obsessed with WLS research? I feel like I want to read every book on the topic, talk to every person who's ever had surgery, find all the WLS websites and journals, read every profile, check out every question on this site, etc... I know this is not possible and probably sounds a little nutty, but there is a part of me that feels like I can't take the next step in this journey until I do all of these things and absorb every bit of information I can. Thanks for listening and thanks in advance for your help. This is a great site!    — C T. (posted on March 24, 2002)

March 23, 2002
Hey, you WERE me:) I did the same thing, but finally decided to get on with my life and have surgery, See my rofile its the BEST DECISION I EVER MADE! You can do it to! Attend support group meetings! Last year at this time I was consumed by this subject.... Now I help out here and ENJOY LIFE!
   — bob-haller

March 23, 2002
I "DID" and "Still Do" post op. We'll be nutty together. lol
   — Danmark

March 23, 2002
Don't be embarassed, i'm like that too. I've already decided to have surgery, and actually got a referral, yet i'm still on this site everyday.. I thought I was obsessed at first, but now it's kinda neet. PLUS you meet some great people on here. Stick to it, it works for me.
   — Laydie K.

March 23, 2002
Hi! I began my quest for information almost a year ago and now have a binder about an inch thick. It was the best thing I did as I made the decision to have this surgery. Fear comes from the unknown and I've made probably the most informed decision in my life (even more than in marrying) : ) I am pre-op and surgery is in 9 days and I am so peaceful about this. Knowledge is good and I intend to keep seeking so no I don't think you are nutty at all...just very wise! I wish you the best.
   — AJC750

March 23, 2002
LOL Count me in, and the sad thing is I'm over a year post op! I just think it's a wonderful thing, it's changed my life, so i love to learn more and more about it, plus help out when I can! We'll all be WLS nuts together! Donna in AL
   — Donna S. C.

March 24, 2002
I just hope this wonderful website is here for the next 50 years!!!! I will always be checking for the newest anything!!! Who knows what kind of stuff there will be for us to take to better improve our quality of life!!! I figure this website will know before the papers or the news or even most doctors. A lifetime member for sure!!!!!!!
   — Laura G.

March 24, 2002
Yes, I think I could say that, too. The more I get, the more I want. And I can't rest til some new little tidbit is hunted to the ground.
   — vitalady

March 24, 2002
I totally understand, I was the same way. I researched for over 2 years while fighting insurance companies (I knew I'd have the surgery if I could get approval) I talked to everyone I could and I was on the internet all day long researching. I will tell you no amount of research can or will prepare you for what you will be enduring after surgery (or for me anyways) your whole life changes and you have to live it to understand:) I am now 4 months post-op and down 102 lbs. If you have any questions feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]. Good luck with your decision!
   — Lynda T.

March 25, 2002
hi..i like you searched and read every article i could get my hands on before surgery and finding this sight was a blessing.... i am so glad i did my own research as wll as talking with the surgeon as there was little things he didnt tell me and that extra bit of knowledge went along way... i feel that having the information and knowledge on board made me better prepared for this surgery..i knew it would be a struggle and there would be some adjusting but being able to turn on the net and read that others were experiencing the same obstacles were comforting that i wasnt alone... everytime i feel that i have learnt enough and can sort of move on i read another post and reliase i am still learning...
   — Rachel F.

March 25, 2002
I am in the process of doing the same thing. In two years I have read tons of stuff. The most amazing thing I have noticed in all the websites is only 1 person regretts having it done. Everyone is "absolutely would do it again" even if it meant going through everything bad/good again.
   — Rebecca K.

March 25, 2002
You are NOT nuts! I am the same way :-)) I know I drive my family's all I talk about. It's not enough that *I* know about the diet...protein intake etc....THEY have to know it too LOL I have been researching for over a year now and have already made the decision to have surgery, now all I need is to get my insurance problems in order :-) Jeralyn
   — Jeralyn Merideth

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