Is i true that you can not drink any type of alcoholic beverages?

I read somewhere that after wls you can no longer drink any type of alcoholic drinks. I like a cold beer or a fruity drink once in a while. Has anyone ever gotten sick or dumped after trying to drink, or has anyone drank and it went fine? This is not a major concern for me, I can live with out alcohol for the rest of my life, but I enjoy it once in a while. I hope there is someone who can answer my question.....Thanks......    — TINA K. (posted on April 11, 2002)

April 10, 2002
It depends on the doctor....some say none ever, and some say none the first year. I never drank much before surgery, and since, I enjoy OCCASIONALLY one drink. WIth the gastric bypass, the alcohol can cause more damage to the liver because it isn't broken down before it's absorbed. I tried a few sips of wine at Christmas, and it didn't agree with me. The only drink I can drink without getting drunk too fast or sick is a Cosmopolitan. Enjoy yourself!
   — lily1968

April 10, 2002
I have a margarita every once in a while. It doesn't bother me as far as dumping. I do have to keep in mind that it is dehydrating and empty calories. I have to drink more water for the day. One thing different is that it only takes me one drink and I'm looped. But it wears off very quickly too. You should not try it too early on as your stomach is trying to heal. Ask your doctor about it. He should be straight forward with you on this subject.
   — Cheri M.

April 10, 2002
My doctor told me that the alcohol goes straight to the liver because of the bypass feature of this surgery. Major liver damage can occur in a short period of time. I get loaded on 1 cap of cough medicine, I can only imagine what a margarita would do!
   — MARSHA D.

April 10, 2002
Once every 'one to three' years I like to drink a weak Grasshopper. (I love mint). But I'm eleven months out and have'nt dared try one yet. If I do, it will only be part of one. Still don't know if I dare. But since I don't really care about booze anyway I did'nt want to chance it yet. ;)
   — Danmark

April 10, 2002
I was quite a party girl before surgery, and could hold quite a few drinks. I guess I still can, because I had two cosmopolitans on Saturday, while out celebrating my birthday. I am eight weeks and it was my first time trying alchohol. They didn't have any effect on me. Yet, I wasn't about to drink more, because I strictly avoid sugar and simple carbs every other waking moment. I probably won't bother trying drinking again...if I am going to take in that sugar, I might as well eat a bag of Skittles. But, that's just me. To answer your question - from my experience, yes, it is possible for a post-op to drink with out dumping.
   — PaulaM

April 10, 2002
I was about 3 months post-op when I had a few glases of beer at a bbq. I didnt dump at all. I am not much of a drinker and havent had any since but it seemed fine for me then.
   — Maureen P.

April 11, 2002
I will be honest with you. I was told by my doctor if I wanted to have a alcoholic drink to do it in moderation and I would be fine. If I were to abuse this and drink heavily, over time I would put the weight back on and have sevear liver damage. So I asked him if I could have a glass of wine once or twice a month after dinner and he said he had no problem with that. So I do. I also have tried a few mixed drinks, and they taste way to sweet for me know, pina coladas used to be my favorite....not anymore. I had my first glass of wine at 5 months and I have had a few since then, I am 6.5 months post op. I get tipsy after just 3oz and get back to normal after about 30 minutes. So it is kind of strange. But it does relax me. I do know that alot of beers have carbination(sp?) in them and will make you hurt as they expand your pouch. Best of luck to you!!! Nancy
   — nkoehler88

April 11, 2002
My doctor never said anything about not drinking to me. I am almost a year out and had my first drink last friday. It didnt do a thing to me. No effect at all. I had heard that you would get drunk off of one drink after surgery. I dont think that is true anymore,
   — C. L.

April 11, 2002
I've been drinking wine occasionally since about my 2nd month post-op. While I'm not an alcoholic, I'm young and enjoy going to a club or bar with friends. I can drink about 5 glasses over the course of the evening. I'll catch a "buzz" and can get a little drunk. But, I definately don't get drunk after one glass like many others say they do. I guess like most aspects of this surgery, its very personal and depends on the individual. Good luck!
   — Kelley S.

July 10, 2002
The new stomach moves liquid right into your intestine and holds it less than your old stomach did. So alcohol gets dumped onto tissue that is not designed to be treated that roughly. In short, continued use of alcohol after this surgery can result in cancer in the intestines. It can also damage your liver because of how rapidly it goes into the blood stream. You might not feel drunk (due to having a tolerance) but you will still be harming your body. Not to mention gaining a lot of sugar in your system. Good luck.
   — Thomas M.

October 21, 2002
We have had many who come thru our support groups with the statements, " I've been told that I can never have this or that ever again,". My statement in our support group is that we try to stay away from the 'you can never have 'statements because there is someone out there who can and will and basically the answer is 'they didn't die because they did eat one of of those you can never eat foods'. We concentrate on this statement. "There are a lot of things that you should never eat again'. Yes, like sugar,carbs,bread,rice,pasta, candy, milk, carbonated drinks, etc you should not do them or do them in moderation, but some people can eat them and without dumping or other severe afterefects. The same is true with alcohol, it will effect some but not others. Be aware that it is usually very high in sugar. I had 2 mouth fulls of champaigne at a wedding and it went right to my head, but I have become hypoglycemic so sugar effects me badly. I think the advise you would want is the same with foods, that after we loose weight, we want to eat normal (not really, because normal in America, is very heavy fat, high calorie)but you want to eat nutritionally and be able to have a desert now and then, as people without weight problems do. I think our goal is to learn to eat anything and yes drink in moderation, not excess with the emphasis on heathly. I have gotten to where I do like some sweets now and then, and I have even found an ice cream I can eat, but I look at the sugar levels. Edy's no sugar added ice cream is wonderful and has a 15 gms sugar level as opposed to others that are over 30 gms and I can treat myself and believe it or not, it may stay in the freezer for 2 weeks before it is gone now. Hope this helps
   — Elizabeth K.

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