What is a

I know the definitions of proximal, medial and distal. How long are the common channels for each?    — Cinna G. (posted on April 23, 2002)

April 23, 2002
I was told that the Proximinal is 70cm bypassed and the Distal is 700cm bypassed. I had about 150cm bypassed and my Dr. called it a long-limbed bypass. I don't know if this is the same as Median or not.
   — Leah H.

April 23, 2002
What IS a common channel? With RNY, the food goes into the intestine (not thru the stomach) and moves on down, undigested, non absorbed. The gastric juices go down the other side (but no food is in there). Where they meet determines the "name" of the surgery and length of common channel (cc). The cc is where the food & gastric juices meet and now must try to perform digestion AND absorption. My very distal left only 40" of cc (100cm). That's considered way too radical these days, but then, I supplement very thoroughly, so I've not noticed deficits. Each doc uses a different "word" for the lengths they offer, depending on their own point of view. What one doc may call distal is ridiculously proximal to another. What one doc calls proximal maybe considered radically distal by a very conservative doc. So, it depends strictly on who's speaking & their point of view. I know my 40 incher is darned distal by anyone's standards. But is, say, 84" medial? Proximal? Or distal? The "words" don't define a length of common channel, EXCEPT within a specific doc's practice. Wow. That was a lot of words to give you not much answer. Sorry.
   — vitalady

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