If you have been sunburned & are now peeling, can you still have surgery?

This is a weird one...About 3 weeks ago, hubby and I went to Grand Cayman & Mexico for a vacation before my surgery. We both were sunburned and are now peeling. I am peeling on both my legs, thighs & shoulder but have no infection, blisters, or any pain though. I am having surgery on May 30th. Will this peeling keep me from having surgery? I look like I'm shedding. Hubby says my legs look like something out of an X-files episode!(LOL) Please help! Any advice, suggestions, opinions, etc. would be greatly appreciated!    — MonicaR (posted on May 6, 2002)

May 6, 2002
Since you're just peeling, and there are no infections, I would say there wouldn't be a problem. If you were having surgery today, tomorrow or within the next few days, I'd definately recommend you telling your doctor and anesteshiologist...but you still have a few weeks to go. YOu should be all back to normal by then. Good Luck with your surgery! Hell, maybe you'll lose a few pre-op pounds by shedding that skin! :o)
   — Kristin R.

May 6, 2002
i agree with the previous poster. you are just shedding that first layer and it should be fine by the end of may. i would say it would probably be gone in a week. maybe if you put moisturizer on it, it wont be so noticable to you and worry you so much. but i must tell you what happened to me a month before surgery. i splashed hot bacon grease on my tummy and got a second degree burn. i had a consultation with one surgeon who said, "i absolutely would not operate on you till its completely healed." when i went to the second surgeon who actually did my surgery it was almost healed but he said, no problem. anyway i worried myself sick over this burn for the month before surgery. in a way it was good, cause then i didnt worry so much about all the other things that could have gone wrong. i had lap rny and my little burn scar is worse than my surgery scars! down 45 lbs in 9 weeks and lovin every minute of it. at least you will have this great tan lying against those white hospital sheets.
   — PATSY N.

May 6, 2002
I don't think that should be any problems. You may want to try putting some cocoa butter cream or aloe vera on the sunburn.
   — dolphins94

May 7, 2002
I got sunburned about a week before sugery and started to peel and had no problems. Ohio weather warm one day cold the next.
   — Jennifer F.

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