Has anyone post-op used Vioxx or Celebrex?

I've pulled muscles in my lower back and am just in complete agony trying to work and keep my life going. (Never realized just how much you used the darn things before!) I know we aren't supposed to take ibuprofen, but what else can I ask my doctor to give me? I've got a call in to my surgeon, but both he and his nurse are out today, so I'm getting desparate! LOL Are Vioxx or Celebrex okay? Thanks for your help!    — Katy B. (posted on May 7, 2002)

May 7, 2002
Hi Katie... I have severe degeneration in my knees so I'm on Celebrex and I have been taking it again since week 3. I am 5 wks post op now. I think you really need a word from your Dr. though as I know some who have been told no and some yes and the same with Vioxx though my Dr. said definitely no to that one. In the interim, you might try extra strength tylenol gelcaps just to take off the edge till you talk with them. Good luck to you.
   — AJC750

May 7, 2002
i had open rny dec 6-i called my surgeons office and asked and the nurse told me YES FOR ME CLEBREX WAS FINE . I take it on a daily basis...better check..were not all the same
   — Jackiis

May 7, 2002
I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and my surgeon has had me on Vioxx for about a month now. I am 4 months postop.So far so good!
   — toni D.

May 7, 2002
I have arthrits and have been using Ultram post-op for 6 months now. You may want to mention it to your doctor. Good Luck!
   — Wendy H.

May 7, 2002
I have been taking a couple of Vioxx a month ever since surgery. 6 months post-op.
   — Cheri M.

May 7, 2002
Katie - Yes, I've been using Vioxx and I am only 5 days post-op. 25 mg works great but 50 mg works even better! I have a leg injury and it just does wonders! It is hard on your liver, they say, so after we all lose some weight, we probably won't NEED it anymore so that's what I'm shooting for. It can be crushed, too, but is bitter (in applesauce). Hope this has helped! Take care -
   — KristyKatt

May 7, 2002
I was prescribed celebrex by my PCP for plantar fasciatis. He is very in tune with my wls and asked me to contact my surgeon about it. My surgeon told me to take half the dosage he prescribed, but no longer than a week. I take Naproxen and Ultram for monthly cramps, and he is ok with those for that time period only. I am sorry you are hurting - I think it's best to wait and see what he prescribes. Maybe a muscle relaxer and mild pain killer will help rather than an NSAID.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 7, 2002
I tried Celebrex for 2 weeks. Took me FOUR MONTHS to heal the damage done. My friend took Vioxx and spent a week in the hospital with gastric bleed. Although the marketing hype says they are stomach friendly, the fine print says they are not. Watch your stool for blood and report any pain to the doc FAST.
   — vitalady

May 8, 2002
I have taken both Vioxx and Celebrex. However, about two weeks ago, a new study came out stating that Vioxx can cause heart problems. So I am taking on Celebrex now - plus I have been getting epidural blocks - just had one on the 29th May. As of today, the pain is trying to return. Just be care with both and check with your physician.
   — LaVerne C.

May 8, 2002
I use Vioxx. I also use codiene for pain.
   — Danmark

May 8, 2002
My surgeon allows me to take Celebrex, but I can take it no longer than 5 consecutive days, then must wait 5 days before taking it again. Celebrex and Vioxx can cause stomach bleeding and ulcers so be very careful. I have severe arthritis and bad knees but I find that I can usually take the Celebrex for two or three days then be ok.
   — Patty_Butler

May 9, 2002
My Dr prescribed Vioxx after my tummy tuck. I only took it once a day (I had Oxycodone to take more frequently) & had no problems with it-but, he only gave it to me for five days. When we had a chat with a doctor here a few months ago, I asked him about nsaids & he said not to take them, but he listed both Celebrex & Vioxx as viable alternatives. I have so much less pain now without the extra weight that Tylenol works fine for me most of the time, even when I broke my leg two months ago.
   — Kathy W.

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