Surgically making a stoma smaller is that possible?

I have tried the library and unable to find the answer. I am a 15 year gastric bypass that regained weight. In my search for a revision, I have discovered that the opening at my stomach and intestines is to large. It was originally made 11, now it is a 20 and the food is literally going through the stomach and to the intestins. My pouch is still after 15 years 3ozs. I do not think I stretched it but a surgery after the bypass involving my intestines and reconnecting changed the size. Since that surgery I started to eat more due to hunger and gained steadly regardless of attempts to lose. So I am now trying to find out if Surgeons can in fact make that opening smaller or reconnect to the intestines to another portion of the stomach and close that opening. Any input would be appreciated. I have not talk to my Surgeon yet, the Endoscopy was just performed yesterday.    — J B. (posted on May 9, 2002)

May 9, 2002
My doc has rebuilt them, much along the lines you have described. But yes, it is a new surgery.
   — vitalady

May 9, 2002
Yes this can be fixed, you need a surgeon who specializes in revisions. Check out my doc for one.
   — bob-haller

May 10, 2002
I ahve heard of a procedure where they reduce the opening by chemically scarring the opening. It would be less invasive that way and could probably be done as an out patient.
   — Dennis J. B.

May 10, 2002
Thank you so much, it gives me some hope!
   — J B.

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