Will I reach my goal this year???

I am almost 9 months out, I have lost about 95 pounds so far, this is great and I feel great. My question is : Will I be able to lose at least 25 pounds(boy I would love 50, but at this time I think that's gonna be impossible) before the reach my year, which is in August. Also My pcp scale is ten pounds less then my bathroom scale, is this because I have a cheap bathroom scale (24.00 at Target) or is it that all bathroom scale are not as accurate as my doctor's scale? Last but not least, why do doctor weight you with your clothes and shoes on, do they expect to get an accurate reading? These are questions that I should ask her right?, No my doctor talks so much that I forgot to ask her while I was in her office.    — blank first name B. (posted on May 11, 2002)

May 11, 2002
I think weighing in a consistent fashion is <b>very</b> important for accurate readings. For instance, I weigh myself each morning, naked, after I use the toilet. Without keeping track of when I go #2, that is as accurate as it's going to get LOL. I have a $50 scale and put fresh batteries in it every 4 months.<p>I think weighing with shoes and clothes on invalidates the reading... those can make your weight vary significantly, especially if you have cold winters where you live.<p>As for whether or not you'll get to your goals this year, darn, my crystal ball is broken :-) but you can increase your chances by recommitting to these things:<ul><li>drink at least three liters of water EVERY DAY</li><li>exercise at least ONE HOUR EVERY DAY</li><li>get at least 60 grams of protein a day (preferably 90 grams)</li><li>keep your carbs under 100 grams a day, under 50 grams a day if you can</li><li>NO carbonation of any kind, and skip the white sugar in all forms too</li></ul> Good luck, and keep us posted!
   — Julia M.

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