weird body lumps... anyone else?

I've lost 112 lbs. I have 118 to go. I notice I am not losing the fat evenly. For example I have a fat pocket lump about the size of a lemon on my left outer thigh. did this happen to anyone else and did the fat eventually even out? Number 2... when I lay flat my tummy is flat and when I sit all the way up it's flat, but when I start to sit up and the muscle tenses (like doing a crunch) you can see my upper belly make a sort of point like where my pouch is. I don't have any pain or problems, it's just sort of weird looking... anyone have anything like this? It raises up about a cup size and you can see it... I think it's the pouch, it's where the pouch is... unless it's the muscle that was cut and healed oddly. I just noticed this today, i am 8 months post. Anyone?    — Becky K. (posted on May 16, 2002)

May 16, 2002
Here, here, Mine ended up being a hernia. Have your doc check it. Hernias do not necc. hurt.
   — Marie A.

May 16, 2002
As I lost, I also found a lump under my arm about the size of a golf ball and started to panic that it was a swollen lymph node. I ran to the doctor and was told that it was a fatty cyst. My stomach also looks like what you described and it is weird looking but normal according to my doctor. It's not a hernia because I had a hernia repair during my surgery. I am 2 weeks post-op.
   — Michael N.

May 17, 2002
They are fatty lipomas (not to be confused with lymphoma). No big deal, they should shrink in time, esp. as you continue to lose weight. Lots of dogs (especially Labs) get them, too. The tummy one could be a hernia. Put your hand over it while you lie down. Turn your head and cough hard (really!). If you feel a mound move (not just muscle), but not all of it, it is likely a hernia.
   — M. A. B.

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