How do I get through the psych evaluation?

I'm really confused about the psych evaluation! My surgeon schedules surgery based on it. I don't know how to answer the questions: when I get nervous I can't think clearly. I don't know how to answer the questions Like do I eat too much am I an emotional eater. My boyfriend wasn't supportive of the surgery until he read more on it and now he is all for it My parents have always been supportive. I need help to get through the Psych eval. I am Mentally, OK. Just a little depressed like most people who are overweight. I just get a little nervous around NEW PEOPLE who are judging me. I was wondering if anyone can give me a sample of the questions that they might ask?    — nicole79 (posted on May 18, 2002)

May 18, 2002
Hi Nicole, Contrary to popular belief, psychiatrists and psychologists are not to be feared, but are there to help you and to ensure that you are okay and that you will have a successful result. If you are depressed, or are having other concerns, let them help you to address those things. You will be glad that you did. I think in the end, they want to make sure that you understand what you are about to do, that you are committed to changing your lifestyle and that you are doing this for "the right reasons"... the right reasons being health, not answers like, "to find a boyfriend, to wear a bikini, you know, superficial things like that. You certainly don't sound like you will have any trouble. Take a breath and good luck. I am a nurse who has worked in psych for years. We all pretty much just want to help. Best wishes.
   — Ann B.

May 18, 2002
I just had my psych evaluation last week. It really wasn't all that bad. He took some personal history concerning family, he asked if I had any bouts of depression or if I took any anti-depressants.. I was truthful and sincere. He did ask me to explain the surgery to him and was I aware of the risks. I found him very caring and friendly. He shool my hand and said thast I was a wonderful; candidate. Just try to relax, ususally they know you are nervous. Any way everypne is depressed now and then, no one's life is perfect.
   — marta B.

May 18, 2002
Nicole, Ann and Marta are right, this psych thing is nothing to be scared of :) The questions on mine were really dumb, had to keep from laffing out loud over most of them! My psychologist was great, he also wanted to know about the procedure, family history, depression history, etc. Just be honest (and don't worry about crying, there will be a box of tissue close by), be yourself and you will do fine. Hugz! DC
   — DonnaCarol

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