Today on MSNBC... another great reason to have gastric bypass

Check out this article that was on the MSNBC website today... it may explain why RNY is so successful at keeping weight off:    — mom2jtx3 (posted on May 23, 2002)

May 23, 2002
Linda thanks for posting this page. I read a much shorter version of this article in my Cincinnati Enquirer today. I found it very interesting and hopeful! I was pleased that they showed gastric bypass in a positive light. Shelley
   — Shelley.

May 23, 2002
I had just read a similar article on AOL before logging on to AMOS to read questions and answers. I find this very exciting, especially since I had surgery just 2 weeks ago! It makes me even more convinced that I did the right thing.
   — Kristie B.

May 23, 2002
I emailed that AOL article about ghrelin to my sister. Hallelulia! It makes me more aware of my eating and I have started to check in when I graze/nibble; 'Am I hungry?' The answer is usually no. I still eat for a million reasons, but hunger is not usually a big factor. Armed with this fact, I am going to attack those remaining 20 pounds.
   — Bobbi G.

May 23, 2002
There is also a much longer article on this subject on the front page of the Washington Post. Go to to read it. Its entitled "Stomach Hormone linked to Weight". Glad I had the surgery! Probably explains why I could never keep it off before.
   — Cindy R.

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