I have my pre-op appt on WED, Surgery next Tuesday- Any last minute things I should

be asking the surgeon about? Also what should I expect at this appt. I already had a cardiac work up. Thanks so much! Tabatha    — psychdoc B. (posted on May 27, 2002)

May 27, 2002
Hi Tabatha, Congratulations on your upcoming surgery! I am having mine on the same day, in San Diego, CA. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. To answer your question: I will be asking the anesthaeologist(spell?) to make sure they distibute the drugs very slowly, since I have a tendency to get sick when I come out of it. So far, that is all I am concerned with. God Bless you and best wishes on your surgery and a speedy recovery too. In Christ, Michelle Murray
   — Michelle M.

May 27, 2002
Sounds to me like you are ready to go. One thing tho, when I was getting ready for surgery and was having lap at a teaching hospital, I asked my PCP if I had the right to ask my surgeon to be the only one touching me and doing the actual surgery while I'm under. My PCP said, no I did not have that right because my surgeon would not let anyone near me that he did not trust and have total confidence in. Just thought I'd pass that by you. I'm glad I asked my family doctor about that, because he really put me even more at ease. Just go on in there like a trooper, have a safe recovery and get on with the losing side of life. I wish you a grand journey to the losing side. Congratulations on your decision. You won't be sorry.
   — Annie H.

May 29, 2002
Just be sure they get you up as soon as possible after recovery. I stayed in recovery for 1 whole day and didn't get up until the next afternoon and developed a blood clot on the lung
   — janice C.

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