Help! I need stats for a paper

I'm looking for stats regarding the connection between obesity in parents and children. Specifically I need the percentages of risk for children of 2 obese parents and children of non-obese parents. Any specific numbers anyone has (including where you got the info) would be GREATLY appreciated, or any web addresses...every address I found is "no longer available." I need the stats for a paper for school due tomorrow (Thurs 6/6). Thanks so much for any help!!!! =)    — Anne B. (posted on June 6, 2002)

June 6, 2002
Anne, It may be too late for your paper, but I found: "Genetic factors play some part in the development of obesity -- children of obese parents are 10 times more likely to be obese than children with parents of normal weight." - "Kids 10 and under with one obese parent are twice as likely to become obese as they grow older." I'm sure there is more. I used the Google search engine and typed in "obesity and parents." Good Luck
   — Amber L.

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