Will walking get rid of my cottage cheese thighs?

On 4/5/02 I had open RNY and have lost 47 lbs so far. My legs look awful. I don't even like wearing shorts because my thighs are so full of cellulite. Will walking get rid of it? I've looked at alot of before and after pics and in most of the after pics there is no cellulite showing and the legs look nice. If walking will take care of it, how much walking must I do? I walk about a mile a day.    — Peggy D. (posted on June 10, 2002)

June 10, 2002
It has'nt helped mine. :(
   — Danmark

June 10, 2002
Sorry hon, I doubt it. My surgeon even went as far as to say I'd never need plastic surgery since I'm young (23) and I could be a cottage cheese factory.
   — Paula Prichard

June 10, 2002
I have been walking every day for the exception of some weekends when I get knocked off schedule, and my cellulite is going away. It is nearly non-existant and I still have about 20 lbs. left to lose. I believe that walking has helped tone my legs. I also received a compliment the other day on the 'definition' in my legs. They asked me if I had been biking. I actually just started 'trying' to run, but have only done that 4 times. So I will attribute that to my walking for 7 months.
   — Cheri M.

June 10, 2002
I've been walking now for 6 months and I can definately see a difference in the way my thighs look. There used to be dimples and wrinkles all the way from the top of my butt to my knees. I would say that 90% of it is gone. The only exercise I've done is walking 5 days a week. So that's got to be eat, combined with the weight loss. I typically walk a mile and a half a day in about 20 minutes.
   — Patty H.

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