Should I see my PCP prior to surgery regarding urinary stress incontinence?

I have Urinary stress incontinence, as well as dysuria (at times). I have only seen my PCP once for the dysuria, and I am wondering if I should see her about the stress incontinence. I didn't before because I was embarrassed and figured it would be attributed to my weight. I am not wondering for insurance approval if it will be necessary, or if I can just tell it to my surgeon. What do you think?    — Kate M. (posted on July 30, 2002)

July 30, 2002
Personally I would tell them. Pre op I had to change my underwear twice a day. (Embarrassing to be so honest). Seems I would have a slow leak. Don't have that problem now, thankfully. Perhaps it may help with getting aproval for surgery?
   — Danmark

July 30, 2002
Sweetie, don't be ashamed to mention this to your doctor. Yes, I would tell my PCP. Although you will be seeing your surgeon for a long period of time, you will also need to see your PCP for other things. MOST LIKELY, this incontinence will be eliminated by your loss, but it may not. Some people just have a weak detrusor muscle in their bladder, and need meds. to control leaking. Since you've had dysuria, have you seen a urologist? That might be an option instead. Anyway, your PCP or a urologist will probably be easier to see to keep tabs on it if it runs into a long-term event. I have found that specialists (like a surgeon) doen't like to treat outside their field of expertise. I'm sure it will be okay though.
   — Tina B.

July 30, 2002
The incontinence is another comorbidity and should be documented. I had been on Detrol for several years before surgery. I took the last pill the morning of surgery and have never had a problem since. It is such a blessing to go about my day without ever thinking about it again.
   — grammie5

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