Do you find that you have more or less problems..(excludeing)...

medical and phsyical.. im meaning emotional! Is your outlook on your self better then when you were MO? Meaning more or less.. Do you wish you could go back to being MO or slightly overweight b/c the emotions ( relationship wise.. friendship wise.. or just plan ole Any wise) are too much to handlethen they were being MO? I just want to know what you would undo in your life now, that you didnt have to deal with then.. sorry for the ring around the bush thanks :)    — brandy H. (posted on August 5, 2002)

August 5, 2002
My out look is much better. My relationship is even improved. Friendships are fine!! Even made some new friends. I can participate more in life. Because I was an emotional eater, I have had to learn how to deal with stress and anger and saddness, and yes, even joy without the assistance of food. Ah...cake and icecream for breakfast....those were the days!! That has been a kind of an interesting journey. I can tell you, food is easier then facing your feelings. But hey, that is all part of the MO problems. That is all part of what I knew I would have to face when I started this process. It has been a good thing!
   — Vicki L.

August 5, 2002
My biggest emotional block has always been what I think about and say about myself. I have worked with a therapist for years to help heal this relationship. I think surgery and preparing for surgery has done what drugs and therapy never quite fixed.<p>Weight loss has not solved all my problems but I have to be more realistic about situations now. Nothing happens to me today because I am fat. Gee. Some days it is hard to take responsibility for my own life decisions. I blamed MO for some decisions that I made badly or abdicated making at all. I blamed MO for opportunities I didn't pursue. I read people's minds and always came up with the reason for their behavior---my MO.<p>Weight loss had freed me from being the center of the universe---even my own universe. I am happier. I have more fun. I am more generous. I am slower to anger and quicker to laugh. Some days I wake up feeling very blonde but I never wake up feeling fat. No one is happier with my new body than I am. Now all of the 'inside' work I have done all these years seems to make sense.
   — phoebe

August 5, 2002
So far, I've only lost 55 pounds. So you can say I have a really long way to go, but I'm already happier! Just to know that I'm losing weight gives me great satisfaction. My relationships with my family has already improved. They are so glad to see me becomming more healthy by the day. My friends are so happy for me. Everyday I wake up and am ready to face the world. I look forward to tomorrow because I know that's a day closer to my goal. But don't get me wrong, I still worry about non-obesity issues like school and work. Those things didn't change after surgery, but the way I've faced them has. I'm so happy that God has granted me the gift of WLS.
   — Sarah K.

August 5, 2002
Like anyoneelse in this world, i have my good days and my bad days. But overall, since losing all of this weight - and I am still about 40 pounds until goal - I FEEL FABULOUS compared to before. Don't underestimate how much good physical health can improve your emotional health. ~Paula M. Open RNY 02/14/02, -106.5 lbs.
   — PaulaM

August 5, 2002
I have never wished for ONE SECOND that I could trade my worse day post-op for my best day pre-op. I wish I didn't have the pesky disease that requires treatment of ANY kind, but since I do, this is the best treatment I have taken. Some relationships shifted a bit, most for the better, including the one with my parents (?). Having the maximum amount of stress (2 deaths, one major biz set back, husband's job shake up--all within 2 weeks) and being heavy would not have helped me one bit with that. I might've eaten to medicate, but it wouldn't have changed a thing in my life. I was as happy as possible (under the horrendous circumstances) to be able to just swtich over to protein drinks & protein bars only (taking decision making out of my hands) to be able to focus on the practical side of what needed to be done. 8 yrs ago, I didn't even HAVE that option.
   — vitalady

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