How Did Ya'll Take This Constant Roller Coaster of Emotions

I am waiting, patiently, for the "wellness center" at my local hospital to approve me for the surgery...and THEN send my file to the surgeon and my insurance company. This means rounds of meetings with psychiatrists, nutritionists, and general practitioners. I have been going through this merry-go-round for three months now, and they STILL haven't sent my file to the surgeon. After telling me a few days ago that "everything was a go," they today said that they are concerned that I'm so nervous about the surgery. WHAT???!!! Isn't this major life-altering surgery, not to be entered into lightly? Anyway, I've been obsessing on this surgery for months, thinking about it for years, and now find myself upset nearly every day. I know a lot of you had ups and downs with approvals (both doctor and insurance company) but how do you handle it? I'm not "depressed," per se (I've been depressed enough times to know when I am)...I'm just I be patient or look elsewhere?    — Tamara K. (posted on August 9, 2002)

August 9, 2002
Tamara, most, if not ALL of us know how you feel. I have been on a constant rollercoaster since March, but this week has been nerve-racking. I was finally approved on Tuesday, but after severeal calls to my insurance company, we could not figure out if I was going to ahve surgery on Sept. 17th or in November. Noone we spoke with seemed to have a clue. Each day it was a new date and finally yesterday, I fouldn out it is now back to 9/17. Of course, this could change again. I feel like pulling my hair out! I am not the best to person to ask about how to deal with the emotions, but I can tell you that talking with others in the same situation or those who have had the same type surgery you are having is invaluable. Being here on AMOS has been the best thing for me, but actaully speaking with others, either on the phone or in person seems to make it all more real for me. Please just hang in there, Honey. Before you know it, you will be on the other side, helping someone in the same situation. BEST OF LUCK!
   — karmiausnic

August 9, 2002
I am not sure what is taking the wellness center so long. Did you ask if there is anything you can do to speed up the process. Like some footwork or something. Well it sounds like they may actually be sending your info to the surgeon now eh. Did they change their mind thinking you are too nervous. What I would do if they still have not sent it is make an appointment to talk face to face with someone there. I would explain that waiting for them to get it all taken care of is trying your patience. They work all day for all patients. You are at home all day thinking of this surgery that is going to be the best thing for you. Tell them it is like a little kid a week before school starts or before his/her birthday knowing they are probably going to get their favorite bike this year. We all go through that. I tried to keep busy and not talk about it to anyone and not think about it. I only thought about it when I had to make phone calls to get things going. Luckily where I am I had no problem with all that. I have 3 days till my surgery and now I am worried about actually doing it. Like you....I have spent so much energy just to get approved and a date. Now that I am going in for the actually thing I am getting really nervous. I am thirlled of course but a little scared that my life will never work the same again. well, good luck to you and just hang in there best you can. Appear to be a confident go getter in this process and not a desperate looney toon. that way they don't think you are "too nervous"! K :) I know you can make it though it girlfriend!
   — Michelle J.

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