Has anyone used EAS BetaGen Post-op?

I'm still pre-op (surgery 9/20) and in the past used supplements when following the Body for Life program. One of those was BetaGen by EAS and I'm wondering if I can use this post-op. It does contain creatine and HMB. I found that it helped me most when using it when lifting weights by helping my muscles heal more quickly. I've searched the library and couldn't find anyone else talking about it. So, are there any post-ops using EAS supplements? I enjoy lifting weights and have started my walking again (up to 2 miles daily) now to prepare myself for post-op life. I'm very excited (aren't we all) and want to do the best I can to help my body. I asked my nutrionalist during consultation about EAS products, but she was unfamiliar with them. Thanks in advance for replies!    — Click (posted on August 11, 2002)

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