Eating foods I wont be able to eat later and it scares me

I find myself eating sweet stuff as I know I cant eat much of it after surgery and I am afraid this means I am not emotionally ready to have the surgery. Anyone else experience this?    — deespol (posted on August 19, 2002)

August 19, 2002
Proibably oh 100% of us! Relax your normal...<P> Once your post op for awhile you will likely be able to eat anything in small amounts. I dont dump but get a icky feeling if I eat to many sweets. I still eat some, but that feeling remifds me to back off. I actually wished I dumped! I remember my last bit of pre op food the day I started my bowell prep. A super good soft a gooey chocolate chip cookie. Thoughtit was the last time I would EVER eat one, I actually sat here and cried. What a LOT of wasted energy worrying! I eat anything in moderation and feel great. So will you, your PERFECTLY NORMAL!! Do avoid stuff like this during the fast loss phase so you dontr stall your loss but other than that, relax.
   — bob-haller

August 19, 2002
When you get around a year out you'll be able to eat most anything. I can eat a candy bar now, but I wish I could'nt.
   — Danmark

August 19, 2002
Before surgery, I was a chocolate addict. I had to have chocolate everyday. I was scared that it would make weight loss difficult after surgery. My surgeon told me that after surgery I may not care for chocolate amymore. I told him he was dreaming because I was never going to not want chocolate. Well, I was wrong. Now that I am post op I couldn't care less about chocolate. I do desire sweets once in a while, but it's pretty rare. My body desires fuel food. It knows what makes it feel good and it knows what makes it feel bad. Low and behold, I crave veggies! I crave fish and chicken. Go figure. Don't worry about what you will eat after surgery, and don't go out and buy 50 packs of your favorite protien shake. You might hate it after surgery. I can't stand the thought of drinking a chocolate protien shake. I can only drink the strawberry kind. It's a very weird thing. Well, I wish you the best. -three months post op and down 70 pounds-
   — Sarah K.

August 19, 2002
Before my surgery I was having my last meal and last snack of all the things I thought I was going to miss. Then someone said to me that I should remember that they are giving me a tool to lose weight, they are not removing my taste buds. Sure enough I am losing and letting my tool be the guide. If it does not agree with me, you can be sure I won't eat it or want it again. If I can tolerate it, my tool kicks in and will only let me eat so much. This is the best thing that I have ever done for myself. I am almot 6 weeks out and have lost 40 lbs.
   — Sue A.

August 19, 2002
There are lots of wonderful sugar free things that believe it or not will taste just fine to you afterwards. I was a candy junkie, you dont get to be over 400 lbs. but eating healthy. I have found a wonderful web site that has lots and lots of sugar free items all the way from chocolate ( in all types and kinds ) to hard candy, jelly belly, ketchup ( which is yummy ) the site is trust me you will be just fine. I had so many last meals. The only thing I didn't have and I wish I had was a really good BBQ , but I am trying to make a sugar free version of it with out much luck. You will be just fine
   — domestic G.

August 19, 2002
I've found that I don't miss some of the foods that I used to eat because I now see how bad they were for me. Also, getting sick from eating the wrong thing will help ease your fears as well. If anything you'll be more mindful of what you eat and will expand your cooking skills. I had those same fears, now I really don't think about it anymore.
   — George B.

August 19, 2002
Thanks everyone for your really helps to hear your experiences!
   — deespol

August 19, 2002
About a day or two after I got my approval it dawned on me that I would be getting the operation and losing lots of weight and I'd better have fun before the operation and eat everything I won't be able to eat after the operation. Well, I gained 11 pounds in one month. Eleven pounds doesn't sound like much, but I ate Tex-Mex food every single day, cookies & ice cream every day, any and everything I wanted that wasn't good for me. I was so sick of eating by the time it was time for the operation I was really ready to stop eating. After you dump on sugar the first time, trust will not want to do that again. I was a sweet-o-holic (since I was a little kid) prior to the operation and now ... I only crave it when I'm under stress, which tells me I'm an emotional eater. I am 19 mos. post op; lost 115 lbs. RNY proximal. I have never regretted having the operation ... I wish I had heard about all this much earlier than I did. Don't worry ... you won't regret it either. Good luck!
   — Betty Todd

August 19, 2002
I'm post-op and still eat sweets, just not as many of them. You should never deny yourself of any food. If so, you just set yourself up for failure. Have a bite or two and stop. That's what you'll be doing post-op and you'll be much happier that you didn't deny yourself anything.
   — Patty H.

August 19, 2002
Hello: Fortunately OR Unfortunaely for me, I am one of those people that have LOW blood sugar. It gets really bad just after I eat, so my dr told me to carry candy in my purse...saves my now skinny butt from passing out. I eat a Hershey's with almonds everyday(spread out just a bite after each meal) to bring my sugar levels back up.So if I eat 6-7 small meals I just break the candy bar up into the same amount of little pieces. My dr says that for me it's worse if I don't do something about my blood sugar than if I eat the candy....I'm loving it!!! Only one bad thing though, he says that I should level out in a few months and not need to use the sugar...I dread that day.I have gotten use to my bite of chocolate after eating....
   — Joi G.

August 19, 2002
If the ability to stop eating sweets had anything to do with you being ready for surgery, *grin* you wouldn't need it. Eat what you want.. I only have one regret about this surgery, I didn't eat enough ice cream before I had it! I was, unfortunately, diagnosed with type II diabetes the week before surgery and that really cut into my fun. I just had to get my b/s down before surgery.. I wish I had a few beers too. Eat what you like, worry about being deprived when you need to be. Some people will tell you after surgery to eat what you want.. I have a different philosophy.. eat what you want, but remember how you got to that point before surgery. Good luck! You're ready.. don't worry.
   — Lisa C.

August 20, 2002
The "eating" thing was an issue for me after surgery. I have had some big "mental" things about it. I have missed food so much, but time has helped. I did a lot of crying. But you will never "be ready" You just have to do it, if you need it. Just be prepared for all the "bumps" in the road. This is just a tool and it is still difficult.
   — Georgia H.

August 20, 2002
I did the same thing too. Only I can stil eat practically anything now that I'm post op, I just eat much much much smaller amounts.
   — Gremlin Q.

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