does this work for everyone?

I have always wanted this. But I am very frightend, scared, I have been through so much in my life and unfortunately every time I want something so very badly it never comes through. Now the pain I went through is nothing, I have been through more pain than any operation could ever cause due to life's tragedys. But what my fear is that this will fail. I am 6 weeks post-op and I don't feel that I have lost anything. This is what scares me most. Will I fail? I pray to god that I don't. I am at the largest that I have ever been 500+. And I think that this was my last hope. Just as many we decided to have this because we don't want to die. Because eventually this dieses will contribute to death.    — TLC33 (posted on September 13, 2002)

September 13, 2002
Get on a scale, RIGHT NOW! You have undoubtedly lost lots of weight in 6 weeks, and did you measure yourself. On a plateau your dimensions will drop a LOT! POST OP IS THE PLACE TO BE! Surgery and all that is behind you! All of us have rough times to one degree or another after surgery. its normal and to be expected. Now take a deep breath and report in how many pounds you have lost, so we can all celebrate the great news.
   — bob-haller

September 13, 2002
Please don't waste your energy worrying that you will be a failure. Follow your surgeon's prescribed diet plan, drink tons of water, and get your minimum exercise (if not more) EVERY day and there is no way you will fail! And don't beat yourself up or give up hope when you hit a plateau (which will happen and believe me, I've had my share of plateaus!). I worried in the beginning that I would fail and here I am 4 months post-op and have lost 82 pounds. So keep the faith that you will succeed as this is not "just another diet" and all will go well for you. Take care & hugs! :o)
   — Jennifer A.

September 13, 2002
Trixie, I sympathize with you, because I am often scared that this will not work. I was at my heaviest and sleep apnea was going to be the end of me. I worry about this failing and going back to the way I was. I am a big worrier too. I noticed you used "God" so I will assume you are religious. There are several things I do to help with worrying. If you are interested email me and we can talk about it.
   — Lisa N M.

September 13, 2002
Trixie, try not to worry that you will fail at this. Its not helping you any, at all. I know that you, like most of us, have had a history of failing, but think positively that this time you will not. And, do as Bob suggests, and get on a scale. I bet that you have lost quite a bit in 6 weeks. If these feelings of fear and failure persist, see a therapist to talk it thru. But I think as soon as you see the scale moving down, you'll feel a whole lot better. Hang in there-good things are coming your way. You made a brave decision to recognize you needed help and you had the surgery.
   — Cindy R.

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