What Could Cause Chronic Diarrhea at 2.5 Years Post-Op?

For the past couple of weeks I have been battling chronic diarrhea, usually not longer after eating. My bowel movements have been very regular since I first had surgery. So regular, that I could time them. I still have about 25 pounds to lose and have been bouncing 10 pounds up and down for quite a while, now the diarrhea. I have a call into my surgeon's office, but wondered if any other long-term post-ops have had this experience or can shed some knowledge my way. Thanks.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on September 18, 2002)

September 18, 2002
Do you drink a lot of coffee by chance? Sometimes this can cause it.
   — Terissa R.

September 18, 2002
I read this about a thousand years ago, but since have found it to be very true, of normies. And there are some things we do like normies. Like get wrinkles & gray hairs, but I don't like those parts! The stats said that by age 40, 80% of white folks become lactose intolerant. But non-caucasians, 80% were there by age 18. Of course, the degree of intolerance varies. I had reached that point (I figured out later) by about 36, but not all dairy, only milk. My husband figured it out by 40, but only with ice cream. We both pretended it wasn't so until our surgeries. Our doc forbids milk, so then it became a moot issue. You might try going without milk (lactose & even lactose free subs) for maybe 7-10 days. Then go back on & see what happens.
   — vitalady

September 25, 2002
Just a note about this...the culprit was stress! I was dealing with a very uncomfortable situation at work and it literally tore me up. Everything has been resolved to my satisfaction, and I am now back to normal in the bathroom! :-)
   — [Deactivated Member]

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