What a change in my life

The majority of my life I've been overweight. I have dieted, lost some, gain alot. For the first time in my life I feel good about myself. I can look in the mirror as I pass by stores and not go home depressed(you know you think you're looking good then you pass a mirror and it can ruin your whole day). I can be a part of a group and not feel like I have to be invisible. People can look at me and I don't feel like they are picking a me because I'm so fat. I don't have to be the center of jokes or made example of(I don't want to get fat like so and so). I can run with my daughter, fit in seats and cross my legs. have men look back at me and women compliment me(and some do envy but who cares I'm loving it. I can feel like this is one problem that is behind me( I missed out on so much for so many years.) And I can finally, finally go in regular size stores and order regular size clothes. I saw an old clothes tags of mind just yesterday that read 26/28 now it reads 11/12 Boy what a feeling. To all you pre-ops go for it, you deserve to feel this way too. Some people can except themselve being so heavy, I never could.How many time did I cry myself to sleep because I was so alone(countless) Not to mention how much energy I have and no more backache,headache,knee ache and just being plain tired(physically and mentally.. I only wish this could have been sooner, but better late than never. Just wanted to tell you guys this, Thanks for listening and God Bless. I really would like to know what about this surgery changed your life? one year post 310 now 180 goal 150    — Rebe W. (posted on September 21, 2002)

September 21, 2002
Rebe, It could have been me writing these words... I honest to God never knew that other MO people felt the exact way I always have, I thought that I was the only one that was so completely miserable. So many MO people, often times even me, will hide the terrible pain behind a smile or a joke. I am so tired of doing that. Since I decided to have the wls, I have started looking at myself in a different way...I for some reason just realized EXACTLY how BIG I really am. Before I noticed, believe me I knew...mean people wont let you forget. But it just hit me one day that I am huge, monsterous even, a freak, and I never really knew I was that bad...Does that make sense? I know it sounds strange but I knew I was fat, I just never knew I was SO incredibly huge....this must sound nutty (I promise I am sane, I have a psych eval to proove it LOL).
   — cherokey55

September 22, 2002
Rebe, you could've wrote those words for me too. I had become such an introvert, I just wanted to stay hidden, it is so sad to look back on. I am now laughing, smiling, talking... LIVING, it's wonderful!!! I have gone from 244 to 137ish in my first year. I watched 'Shallow Hal' last night on video. It's an ugly movie to see, but I fell in love with Hal before it was over. It's ugly because deep down I know most people were looking at me the same way Hal was looking at 'imperfect' people, although he was far from 'perfect' himself. It's a shame inner beauty can't be seen first, instead of our flawed bodies. I thank God for my WLS, for giving me back my life, for all the terrific doctors and all the wonderful people I have met on this journey. Hugs to you Rebe!
   — DonnaCarol

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