what does dumping mean, I have not had the surg yet? thanks

I read about dumping but dont know what it means.    — Schatzie1 (posted on September 23, 2002)

September 22, 2002
When a RNY post op eats something with too much sugar or fat they can get a icky feeling. Headache,, racing heart, sweats, chills, diarrea are the common symptoms. Many get sleepy and lay down for awhile. It unpleasant but not hazardous. Its a GOOD THING> It reminds us we shouldnt be eating these things in the first place! Many dump early on, but it can go away as the body adjusts. The effect is caused by the offending food like sugar causing blood to rush to the intestine. I wish I were a bad dumper. It woiuld help me be a better post op.
   — bob-haller

September 23, 2002
Ever had a hypoglycemic attack (low blood sugar)? It is the same thing. Shakes, nausea, fatigue, just feeling ick, ick, ick. Some folks vomit and some have to rush to the bathroom. (Not me, tho. ;) When you eat sugary foods and they are dumped directly on the intestine without the benefit of the digestion that normally happens in the stomach, your body goes into panic mode and sends a bunch of insulin to deal with all that sugar. Then you get a rebound effect as the insulin lowers your blood sugar TOO much making you feel icky. It is not a good feeling, but it keeps you honest. Not everyone dumps and you CAN break your dumpometer by continuing to eat sugar. But the good news is that it can be reset by abstaining from sugar for a while. Hope this helps!
   — ctyst

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